Part 3 - Chica

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Something weird happened during the night, and none of us was able to explain what it was. We woke up in weird places we hadn't fallen asleep in, and every one of us was somehow damaged. Nothing serious - it didn't even hurt - but we couldn't show up like that during the day. What now!? I had a big wound on my head. Freddy was barely able to hold his microphone with his broken finger, and Bonnie had a broken guitar and some scratches. I guess something happened to Foxy too, but it was hidden among his typical fake wounds and scratches. We were all frightened until Freddy came up with a pretty neat idea that would save us all - a pirate theme! We took lots of stuff from the location before the day guards showed up. Today every single one of us was going to be a pirate. I put a bandanna on my head, Bonnie had to deal with an old guitar from backstage, while Freddy moved his microphone to his left hand and hid some of his damage that way. Well, Foxy didn't really have to do anything for himself. Actually, he became the main attraction today!

"Arrr, kids!" started Freddy. "We decided to join Foxy's crew for one, long night, for one adventure, and well, it was difficult. Horrible weather, unfriendly pirates and hidden treasures full of gold! I know now, what Foxy wants to find on seas and I have to say, it was definitely worth it! Just listen!"

Today was pretty special: we had to improvise a lot, but it was all really interesting. We managed to pull it off in the end, - the kids really liked the idea and they all had a lot of fun! We did too, but we had to admit that it was really tough - I'm really happy we managed to get through it without any bigger problems. We didn't have a lot of time to prepare everything, but it really helped us when Foxy himself decided to answer all the difficult questions to keep up with the climatic tone of the story we were trying to tell. We wouldn't have been able to manage it if it hadn't been for him.

"So, what are we going to do about what happened today?" asked Bonnie finally.

"Foxy was right yesterday - something is off!" I said, "We don't even remember what happened during the night!"

"I don't know. You're right, we don't remember that night. What can we do about that? I feel so helpless," I think it was the first moment in Freddy's whole life where he didn't have any idea how to solve our problem. None of us knew what to do, but Freddy was always the special one, he always had an answer. But not this time, and we could see it really hurt him. At this moment, we were starting to lose all the hope that we'll ever be able to solve this problem. "How could we solve something like this?"

"It's terrible! What if we're never able to solve this?" I said, "We have to do something, I won't leave it like this!"

"Living with the knowledge that something weird is happening during the night that we don't understand and we don't remember? I can't imagine something like that!" said Bonnie "There has to be a way!"

"If that's the case, I would never want to even know about tha- Wait, I know! The night guard!" Foxy said quickly "He may know what happened during the night. No! He HAS to know what's wrong. I'm 100% sure about that."

"That may be a good idea! We should ask him about that. Let's go!"

"Wait. I'll go." said Bonnie "There's no need for us all to go down that tight hallway. Just wait for me."

Bonnie jumped off the stage and headed toward the guard's office.

The weird thing was, that in the middle of the hallway he just stopped. And for some reason, he turned right...

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