Part 4 - Freddy

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"Greetings to our new guests! Take your seats - you made it just in time! Bonnie is preparing his guitar to play some songs! Just listen!"

I'm glad that everything from yesterday could be easily explained. There is no need to think about it anymore. That chapter is finished. We can just forget it, go on and focus on doing what our band does the best - entertaining the children. We were repaired during the night; all the damage was gone. Bonnie had a new, shiny guitar and we all felt very positive. We could go back to our normal lives; our normal jobs. Although there weren't as many kids today, it didn't bother us that much. The others must have been off doing other important things - we can't have all the kids in our pizzeria every single day, it would get boring pretty quickly to them. We have these quiet days sometimes, but we can just use it to rest a little. It's not been a bad day at all.

I'm prepared for a lot of different situations in pizzeria. One of them is a small audience. When there aren't a lot of kids, we can focus on particular ones a little more. There is more room for different games, different stories, and different songs. We can talk to them and befriend lots of the kids or ask every single one of them something different. There's also a lot less pressure. It's a good day, you just have to use it properly.

Kids ask me about lots of things: sometimes about our band, about songs, about us specifically, how we live there and other similar things, or sometimes something different, even some pretty weird questions. Just typical, childish ones, but there's nothing wrong with that. That's what you get for being popular with kids - can you blame anyone for that? They are just children, after all, and some of their questions are really funny. After all, we kind of teach them - we're their nannies, there's a huge responsibility on us because if we say something wrong, it could affect the kids in a bad way. And I would really want for each of them to have a happy childhood and take from it all of the best things. Every one of them deserves that.

Today was pretty nice topic: we were talking about friendship. It's funny how differently kids can understand that topic. Some of them describe a friend as somebody who gives you nice stuff, who you play with, while others believe that nobody from your family can be your friend because they are already your "brother", "mother", "uncle" etc. If I were talking about us, we didn't know each other until we met here to entertain the children. Each of us wanted to stay here, but we weren't sure if they were gonna keep us there. Finally, we made it, and as co-workers, we got to know each other and became friends. Without friendship and trust, we wouldn't work as well as we do at this moment. I'm really happy we are all here.

Today ended without any weird incidents, the kids were polite, and we did everything we could to give them a good time today. And we did it! We didn't talk about yesterday's incident. We knew that everything was over now and that really calmed us down. We could relax, rest, take care of our business, and, of course prepare for the next day full of fun!  

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