Part 6 - ???

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"It's time." A grin crept across the man's face "I have been here long enough already. How long has it been, a week? Even that stupid, annoying voice from the phone man has faded away now. Day after day he's been saying exactly the same thing, for how long!? I know what I'm doing!"

The man sat in the office at the end of two hallways, as he had to do each night in his job. To keep an eye on the animatronics so they didn't do anything bad. So nobody stole them. Pretty dangerous work considering that these robots didn't have a single positive intention.

"Actors, yeah." he grumbled, "During the day they pretend that everything is okay. They play with the kids, they even wave to you when you are going to your office, and what then?"

The animatronics on the cameras stayed in some pretty weird positions and they were motionless as they stared into the cameras. All three of them remained on stage, their dead eyes piercing into the night guard, but he wasn't scared. He knew that feeling. I think he enjoyed it. Three pairs of eyes almost instantly changed into two; one of the animatronics started getting close to the office. A moment later there was only one pair of the eyes left which didn't want to wait too long before it went after the rest of them. Loud, quick steps of metal feet were heard in the left hallway, so he closed the left doors. Foxy only knocked and left moments later. The nightguard was very precise; he was watching them so no one could catch him. He knew what he was doing, and he did that well. Everything he did, he did very carefully.

"Not yet, my friends." he said, as he closed the doors between him and Chica. "It's difficult to say goodbye. I'm willing to wait it out a little longer with you."

The nightguard had already met face to face with the animatronics many times. Near the desk, there was thick a rod, which he had used countless times to stop the animatronics from getting through the open doors. But not all of the animatronics were coming in that way. Before his eyes appeared the motionless body of a golden bear, and the whole office started to swirl dangerously.

"I didn't forget about you, my dear." it seemed that this one tried to get inside his head. It wasn't just any old animatronic - the night guard could tell that much. This one didn't get there using his own two legs "You could really do something to me, but honestly I don't have to do anything more than just blink!"

It was enough, and the bear was already gone. He disappeared; he didn't show up very often, anyway. The man really enjoyed each of his meetings with this unique robot in particular. But sadly for him, each of them happened only for a brief moment.

As the hours passed, the robots became more and more aggressive, while the night guard had only a little power left to use. When he realised that it was just 5 AM and he was down to his last four percent of power, he threw his tablet on the floor and got up with a mean grin on his face.

"It's time."

He looked through the left doors. Bonnie was there in the distance. He was going to attack soon. But the night guard wasn't worried about Bonnie. He knew full well that Freddy wasn't going to enter the room without stopping to face the right doors. When he came back, the robot was already there. Not turning to face him, he listened to the weird, distorted voice coming out of the robot.

"You remember our last encounter? I broke all four of you, one after the other, with my bare hands. You are weak - and you're certainly no match for your creator!"

The nightguard finally turned around and tackled Freddy, knocking him down. He stood on one of his hands, snatching the other one. From there, he took the rod he had prepared earlier and stabbed Freddy in the neck, breaking the connection between the bear's head and body, destroying the robot. One down. The man jumped out into the right hallway, and attacked Chica. Sliding near her legs and catching one of them as he went, he overturned her. She couldn't get up quickly enough, and lost her legs moments later, the night guard swiftly taking her to pieces.

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