<>Two! Three!<>

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"Yes, now let me go get ready. See ya."
"Alright Kookie~ See yaa~!"

Why is Jimin so happy..?

I don't like this. I don't like it at all.

--Both y/n and Jungkook got ready, only to hear a ring on their doorbell.--


"I'll go get it!" noona said excitedly.

Your p. o. v.

I opened the door and saw Jimin.


"Hey. Come in." I said as I moved to the right a bit, so he could walk in.

I closed the door.

"Jungkookie~" I heard Jimin shout and watched him run upstairs.

Jimin's p. o. v.

I went upstairs and opened the door to Jungkook's room. He was just laying there with headphones in his ears and eyes closed.

I didn't want to disturb him so I slowly laid down and put one of his earplugs in my ear.

I closed my eyes for a moment.

"… Loving you is suicide. Don't know should I go or should I stay. I'm trying to keep myself alive knowi-…"

The song stopped playing. I opened my eyes and glanced at Jungkook. He looked sad.

"You should have knocked, Jimin" now he looked annoyed.

"What's with that song?" I asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Never mind." I said feeling disappointed. Something was wrong and I wanted him to tell me what.

"Let's go." I smiled a bit and offered a hand, since he was sitting.

"Right" He said grabbing my hand. I pulled him.

--They got into Jimin's car. Jungkook and Jimin were sitting in front while y/n sat in the back of the car.--

"Where are Namjoon and Taehyung?"
Jungkook asked me, looking though the window.

"They'll wait for us there."

The drive was quiet with both of them looking though the windows and me focusing on the road.

Once we got there we saw Taehyung waving at us.

"Hey~" he said.

"Hey." Jungkook answered.

"Where's Namjoon?" I asked Taehyung, looking around for a bit.

"Oh, well, we met Seokjin, so they went to get some food."

"Of course." I answered.

"Let's wait a bit." he said leading us to one wooden bench.

We all sat down.

Y/n hasn't spoke a word the whole time. I wonder what's up with those two.

"Hey you guys!"

I turned my head only to see Namjoon and Seokjin running towards us with lots of bags.

--All of them started eating the food Namjoon and Seokjin bought, but then…--

"I need to use the bathroom." y/n said.

Isn't it dangerous for a lady to walk alone?

"Jungkook." I said. I can't let anything happen to her.

"Huh?" he turned his head to me.

"Go with her."

"N-No you don't really have to!" y/n said blushing a bit. It's cute.

"You can't go alone. Come on." the moment I said that, Jungkook stood up and they both left.

We just stood there in quiet. Taehyung sighed.

"Jimin…" I heard Namjoon.

"What?" I asked.

I knew what he was going on about.

"What are we going to do..?"

I had no clue.

"I don't know, but there's not much time left."

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