Chapter 4

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"So you just walked out?"

"Yeah I wasn't in the mood to listen to Jilly bullshit."

"You was in the mood to fuck?"

"Maybe I don't know. Sue me cause I like having sex with my fine ass girlfriend. I just wanted to have a nice regular night but she wanna trip over little shit that don't matter."

"You wanted to fuck on the table."

"So? It's just a damn table. Her parents didn't have to know it's not a big deal."

"If it's not a big deal why'd you leave?"

"Dinah I don't need this shit from you too. I don't wanna sound like a asshole and say I bought the damn table so if I wanna fuck on it I should. But it's true. Jilly doesn't do compromise if it's not the Jilly way then she don't care."

"Normani just chill man. Me and the girls gonna hit the club. You coming or what? Maybe a shot and some Dancing can get you out your funk."

"Alright maybe you right. First round of shots on me."

"Now you speaking my language. Now get yo ass up they're gonna be here any minute and I need to make sure me and Lauren smash tonight."

"Oh you can smash your girl but I can't smash mine?"

"I didn't ask to fuck on the table. I just want the pussy that's all you want a fucking specific location. Pussy is pussy get it where you can."

Before Normani could respond the doorbell rang.

"At look at that my pussy is here. Get up fool."

Normani and Dinah headed towards the door to see just Camila and Lauren.

"Where the hell is smallz?"

"Demi took her on a surprise date so she's not coming."

"The fuck? I want my smallz."

Lauren grabbed Dinah's hand and pulled her out the door besides we can have more fun now. Dinah was a bit disappointed in not seeing Ally if she was honest with herself.

"You'll be fine now let's go." Dinah and Lauren we're already half way down the hallway. But Camila and Normani were still at the door. They haven't real spoke since their break up and things were still a bit tense.

"You like good Mila. You always looked great in that dress."

"Thanks I remember you said it's your favorite dress that I have."

"Yeah it always made your ass look amazing. Not that it doesn't always look just really pops it that dress. I'm gonna stop talking."

Camila couldn't help but giggle.

"Come on before they leave us maybe I'll let you dance with me at the club."

Camila dragged her to the car to catch up the others.

(Skip to club)

The place was packed. Sweaty bodies grinding all over each other people drinking left and right and som guys trying to spit game losing terribly. Dinah was in heaven.

"Man I love the fucking club. Let's get some shots to start the night Mani's paying."

They headed to the bar and ordered the drinks.

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