Side Chick (Chapter 6)

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The next morning...

Camila and Normani fell asleep after talking and figuring out all their feelings. As usual Normani was the big spoon and Camila cuddled up extra close to her. They had to get ready for a concert in a few hours so they. Got up did their morning routine and Camila wanted to make breakfast. She put on Normani's shirt while Normani just walked around shirtless with some sweats on.

"Mani what you want for breakfast? I can make waffles or pancakes maybe some bacon and eggs."

Normani went over to Camila by the stove and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"I'm thinking about something a little more tasty."

Normani started to place wet kisses down her neck and hoisted Camila up on the counter.

She almost had her hands in Camila's panties when her phone rang. She groaned and pulled her phone out her pocket.

"It's Jilly."

Camila smirked and started to kiss her neck. Up to her ear to nibble on it. Then she hopped off the counter to the floor getting eye level with Normani's groin.

"Answer it."

Normani did and that's when Camila got more handsy. Camila felt around in Normani's boxers until she felt her dick flop out and hit her lip. Sliding the entire half hard length into her mouth. Causing Normani to sputter a little while answering the phone.

"Hey baby. You didn't come home last night are you ok?"

"Yeah...totally I just had some drinks with Dinah. So I crashed at her place."

"Well I miss you."

"Yeah I...fuck. I mean I miss you too babe."

Camila by now was sucking the life out of Normani and gripping her balls.

"Are you ok Mani I can come get you."

"No! I mean no I'm fine it's just like a mini hangover. And I hit my dick on the bathroom counter."

"You want me to kiss it better when you get home?"

"Fuck. Yeah I'm gonna call you back when I get ready to bounce."

"Ok Daddy I love you."

"Yeah love you too."

Normani quickly hanged up the phone and glared down at Camila.

"You think it's funny that my dick is in your mouth while I'm on the phone?"

"It's just a little funny. I was going for a more sexy type of situation."

Camila gave the tip one last kiss for standing up again.

"Hold on. You not gonna finish what you started?"


"No? Why no?"

"Cause I was thinking should I really give it up to you so easily? You had me then you lost me now you got me back. Well kinda back. I could play the usual side chick card and give you sex but no you have to earn it. Earn the right to put your dick back inside me."

"Camila. You just sucked my dick while I was on the phone with my girlfriend and you want me to earn the right to fuck you?"

"Sounds terrible but yes. You always make it seem like woman are just falling at your feet well not this time. You earn me back."

"What the hell..."

"I'm pretty sure you miss me. You miss me you miss the way I used to clench around you. How hot and wet I am. You miss how no matter how much times I let you fuck me I could never get fully used to your size. You miss how tight I am. The way I would be putty in your hands. You miss how my ass feels in your hands. You miss me screaming/moaning your name. You miss me calling you daddy. YOU MISS ME."

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