One Final Thing

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Wow! It's finally done! :D

I cannot believe I got here.  It took a year and a half... With several long breaks in between... But I finally finished my first ever novel.  It's not perfect, and I'm gonna get going on the editing process to touch it up.  Overall, though, I am so pleased with the outcome!

Thank you guys so much for your continual support.  All the votes, comments, and messages on my wall from time to time really helped keep my spirits up when writer's block was kicking my butt.  For those of you who have been with me since the very beginning I wanna give a super special shout out!  Those who jumped on board somewhere in between, I am also incredibly thankful cos without you where would all my reads and votes have come from?

Anyway, the story is over, but I hope that you'll keep following it as it goes through some changes over the next year or so.  Nothing drastic, but the first draft is usually never the finished product.  I've got some other books in the working that are going to pick up too now that this is finished.  (shameless self- plug)

So, for the last time until the edits come



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