Ending the series

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To all readers of this fan fiction: 

I am terrible sorry, but I think our journey ends here... You may be asking me for my reasons, but there are too many

The biggest reason though is that: I no longer watch the show and no longer enjoy writing these stories. 

I was reading over 12 year old me's writing in this story and I was really cringed by it. Not because of the show, but because of the detail, the punctuation and the all round jumpiness of my plot. But also because I realised that the way I wrote was not how I normally write, and that the story lines i made never made sense and that it wasn't how life worked. 

I guess you could say that I was hit by reality and forced to move on and grow up and learn the hard way how the world works and how love, (especially love), worked. 

Once I hit 14, I realised that I no longer enjoyed writing these sorts of stories. 

I'm 16 now, and I'm turning 17 on the 3rd of this August. Time flies doesn't it? I first started writing these stories when I was 12 and finally published them when I was 13. I've moved on from the show that I loved so much, and this happened when I entered high school and now I'm in my first year of A-Levels and I'm enjoying other things, but not Bellarke. 

I won't delete the story or unpublish it because the pride of having so many people enjoy and read this story is holding me back from fully letting it go. Instead, I will just be putting it as complete and moving on to other things, other interests of mine now. 

I just don't want to continue writing something that I do not enjoy writing and drag on a plot which I do not agree with and hate. Isn't it better to write something that you love and are proud of then release rather than something you hate and are ashamed of? 

I've moved on to accepting and being open for my love for Kpop, something i've had since I was 11 ish, and EXO just debuted and the road lead from there on. I hope you enjoy my upcoming stories and do not leave me, but I wanted to say a massive thank you to those who made early teens me's dreams come true of having a large audience for my writing. 

Please look forward to newer, detailed stories and story lines that make actual sense and bring me happiness to write. 

However, do not take this as a final word on Bellarke. Perhaps in the near future I will return and re-write what young me wrote and all will be well once again. 

For now, I bid you goodbye and thank you for all of the memories. 



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