The Doctor and The Warrior

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This is in Bellamy’s point of view and I am in French class. So, I decided to write these one-shots to celebrate on of the greatest ships in the whole of time. Their close, but their not my OTP. Not yet anyway, but this might change as the series goes on. 3 more episode’s left guys!!! Enjoy! 


When Clarke walked through camp, with that air of smugness around her, I knew that my heart had been captured. Lot’s of girls had caught my attention, but this particular one, she was different somehow. Special in her own way. The way she was stubborn and wouldn’t back down when she had a chance in an argument. The way she was always, infuriatingly right. That was what made me fall in love with her. My gaze followed her every move, careful to avert my eyes when her’s raised to meet mine. 

“Hey Bellamy” I looked up again to see blonde hair, which framed piercing blue eyes, look up to my brown one’s 

“Hey Clarke” I sighed in exhaustion. It seemed like ages since I had caught a blink of sleep 

“You should sleep. I’ll take night watch” She was looking away but I could tell that she was smiling 

I protested and all but her will was too strong. She would not be disobeyed on this one. So I made her promise to me that whenever danger called, to do and owl hoot or whatnot. She smiled slightly at that and pushed me towards the tent which I had with Murphy. Well, did anyway. That night I spent twisting and turning, haunted by those times where I thought I would lose Octavia just like I did with my mum and dad. When I woke up though, I was covered in cold sweat and my hair was in my eyes. I looked over to see Octavia looking over me with a disapproving glance. 

“You’ve been keeping all of us awake…” 


“Your fever, it kept on getting higher and higher until I think Clarke had to give her shift to someone else to tend to you.” 

“Where is she?” 

“She took some rest a couple of hours ago. Actually, I should go and get her. She told me to get her when you were awake.” 

She left then, leaving me smelling her smell of lilies in the air around me and on the bed next to mine. I laid my head back and lightly dozed. What I woke to though was magnificent. It was Clarke next to my bed, drawing random things unto a piece of paper. Goodness know’s what was going through her head at that moment. I dozed off again only to be woken to Clarke shaking me awake with a worried expression on her face. When I smiled at her though, she managed a shaky smile. 

“Your vitals have been going up with alarming increase this past night. I was worried about you, so I decided to stay up with you.” She sighed tiredly and I took my hand into her’s 

“Get some sleep. You need it, and I’ll keep vigil over you.” 

She nodded and laid her head on her hand and closed her eyes. Soon, she was sleeping like a baby. Of course, she looked so innocent when she slept, but I knew when she was awake, what a real firework she was and how hard-headed she was. That was what made me fall in love with her so quickly. I fell asleep as well but before I did, I was about to dislocate our hands when she murmured sweetly 

“Don’t. Let me feel your hands when I sleep. It’ll give me comfort.” 

I smiled at that and let her hand back into mine and we fell asleep like that, hands together. Her laying on the bed next to mine, hair tousled and me, feverish and sweating, two complete different characteristic’s, coming together in peace. 

Skip the boring two days 

When I was walking in the woods, I heard a twig crack and instinctively raised my bow, an arrow notched already. When I heard a muffled scream though, I ran as hard as I could, branches and twigs scratching my face and legs but I didn’t care. When I ran through the clearing though, I saw Clarke being bound and gagged by two grounder’s. One of then tried to fight be but I quickly killed him by shooting him and the second, well. Let’s just say he ended in the messiest way possible. When I released Clarke though, her eyes were wide in fear and she threw her arms around me, tears racking her body. 

“Shh, it’s ok.” I soothed her whilst rubbing her back comfortingly 

“They were going to kill me.” 

“That’s not going to happen, and seriously? Over my dead body are they going to have the chance to kill you…” I said, and I finally realised. I hadn’t feel this sense of over-protectiveness for a girl except for Octavia. 

“Why did you stop them?” She asked me, her eyes looking at me intently, her pupil's dilated 

I didn’t say anything then, because I knew she was the one. The only person apart from O who I would really protect with my life, until the end. I pulled her close and gently placed my lips on hers. I felt her tense then relax, before wrapping her arms around my neck. We stayed that way before we finally broke apart for air. She apologised then, and started blabbing about how it was her fault and how she shouldn’t have been so forward. I smiled then and kissed her again. We stayed that way, the sun setting and showering us with it’s glowing brilliance. 

Who would have known? For once in my life, maybe I will get my own love story and happy ending. 

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