Till Death Do Us Part

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Right then. So sorry for not updating! Promise to more often BUT THERE MUST ALWAYS BE 5 votes before I will update.

Okay? Okay. 

Third person POV

They were all crowding around a hospital bed in the mountain. Light music was playing, classical per to Clarke's and Bellamy's request.

Everybody they loved were there, be they looking young or old, they still had the minds of brilliant people that had survived the war.

Bellamy and Clarke grew old together, had children and a most happy marriage. When it was Clarke's time to depart she held her husbands hand whilst gazing at all of the familiar faces.

Jasper with his wife, Gabriella and their three children

Octavia holding hands with Lincoln

Monty standing in the doorway with tears in his eye's

And finally her husband, Bellamy. He had aged well, as had she. He still had the piercing brown eyes that had captured her heart, the curly brown hair that was now streaked with grey.

When she looked outside of her door, she saw Wells, Finn and Raven standing there smiling at her and telling her it was time to let go. She nodded and looked around one last time before squeezing Bellamy's hand, hard, then letting her's go slack.

She was gone, in the most peaceful way possible.

She had died young, Clarke had, at the mere age of 70 years, she still looked as if she were 50. 

2 Weeks Later

Bellamy sighed and lay against his cover's, not yet accustamed to the bed being empty on one side. He slept peacefully, dreaming of Clarke and all the one's he had lost in the war of the grounder's up in paradise looking the same of when they were 17 & 18.

The night passed slowly and Bellamy drifted off, slipping into a sweet and peaceful death.

He died in his sleep that night.

When the other's found him, they were sad but they were glad. He suffered without Clarke but now, there was no more pain he had to endure to get to her.

Sorry this chapter is so short but I just wanted us all to invest in dem feels right here XD

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