Merry Christmas, My Sweet

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Christmas at the Blake's was always crazy. What with Clarke chasing after their 5 year old son for bath time, Bellamy looked with an amuses expression on his face.

"David Blake, get here at once and have your bath!" Clarke shouted whilst chasing their son

"Catch me mama, catch me!" He giggled and kept on running

'I swear, this child will be the death of me...' Clarke thought

Bump! The child soon found himself in front of his father who was smiling at him. He felt himself smile back and held out his arms to be picked up.

"Time for bath then I'll read you a story, okay?"

"Okay dad."

20 minutes later

David was tucked into his bed and ready to go when Bellamy came in holding

James and the giant peach by Roald Dahl

He read, the sweet melodic tone of his voice soothing his son and sending him into sleep.

Clarke stood outside of the door, smiling to herself, thoughtful as to how she had married her rebel warrior.

Bellamy turned out the lights and made his way to their room, opening it then closing it behind him. Clarke sat on the bed, looking outside. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and she leaned into him.

He pulled out a box and handed it to her, his face anxious as to her reaction. In it was a metal crane with a chain as a necklace.

He smiled and whispered "Merry Christmas, my sweet."

"You know it's 23 days, till Christmas, Bellamy."

"Yes, but early present. Now shut up and watch the moon with me." She chuckled and they stayed that way

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