Silent Promises And Never To Be Forgotten Memories

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Clarke looked outside of her window and gasped at the beauty of the fireworks. She had never seen fireworks and her husband came from behind and wrapped a his arms around her waist and kissed her. Clarke smiled and together they watched the show.

« 15 minutes later, outside »

Bellamy drank his champagne whilst holding his beautiful wife. He loved her and she him, but there was a part of him that would always love Clarke. He saw her now actually. She sat with Octavian, her husband,  champagne in hand and smiling with her face illuminated healthily.

They caught each other's eyes and smiled. Their eyes held for a long time and Clarke raised her glass and Bellamy did too. They toasted and Clarke and Bellamy smiled at each other.

That smile spoke of so many well lived moments they had together, never to be forgotten and never to be spoken. 

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