Chapter 14 - The beginning of the end

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"Lying in the name of good is still lying."

~ April Watson

Xander bit his lip as he tacked another picture on the wall. Pretty soon he was going to run out of space and tacks.

A mosaic of everything he knew since the last three months was above his bed. The PF-08-02 serum, Rossi Corp, MASKED, Ian Thompson, Wild Fire, Mischief, Artic Frost, Black Tiger gang, and just about everything he'd seen or learned was interconnected on his board. Xander was searching for a small patch of reason within it all, and it was getting hard to keep track of the good guys and the bad guys.

Mischief had only ever been seen twice out in public, once to rob a bank and once to steal jewels from Artic Frost. There was no rhyme or reason in those two attacks, and he'd been missing ever since. Xander hoped that meant he would disappear soon and give Xander room to figure out all of the PF-08-02 business without another villain to worry about.

Not to mention every time his mother wanted to walk in his room he had to hide his wall of theories with posters he'd tack up with super speed before she got in. There was just no privacy in his apartment to hide his theory wall any better. Xander was only glad he kept his Momentum outfit in his backpack, because otherwise he'd have to think of a place to hide it.

But Xander couldn't spend too much time looking at his wall. He was planning on doing patrol tonight and maybe put more gangsters in jail. Xander was already dressed in his Momentum costume, ready to speed out.

Then the doorbell rang. In seconds Xander pulled off his costume, stuffed it in his bag, put on real clothes, and tacked up the posters that hid his Theory Wall. By the time he opened the door, barely any time had passed since it was rung, but Xander was out of breath.


"Hey, Xander," he replied, standing awkwardly at the door.

"What do you want?" Xander fired back, still upset about what John had accused him of not too long ago. He didn't matter how the evidence looked, his best friend shouldn't think he would do something like cheat on Mera. Hell, John knew exactly how much he had been obsessed with her since she moved to Oakland. He more than anyone should be one Xander's side.

But maybe Xander didn't see how hypocritical he was being by projecting all of the blame on John instead of dividing it equally.

(After all, Xander was providing John with no better explanation for his behavior.)

John sighed, "I want to talk."

Xander opened the door, wider, letting his best friend in the door. John immediately made for Xander's room, where they always used to hang out. Xander had a short mental freak out, not remembering if he hid everything that needed to be hidden. But, when he walked in he could let out a breath of relief. The suit was in his bag and the wall was covered, he was good.

"You've done some redecorating since the last time I was here," John commented, acknowledging the very messy room and its new posters.

Xander nodded, standing awkwardly by the door. "Look, about what happened at school the other day, I know it looked bad, and I know I've been acting weird, but you're still my best friend, John."

Though, John wasn't listening to him. Xander thought he was only trying to be rude by not answering him, but then he noticed how John was staring intently at the poster that portrayed some band Xander had never even heard of. One corner wasn't tacked up, folded down so that the Theory Wall was just visible under it. A picture of Momentum after one of his saves.

Villains wear Masks *sequel to Heroes Wear CapesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora