Chapter 7: Fate is in Cynthia's hands

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Chapter 7: Fate is in Cynthia's Hands

I dream...... I am stuck in the hospital again. I open my eyes and see a golden light. This time I look at Ryan and he yells at me, something fast I can't understand. He runs away from me. I wake up from my nightmare crying. Ryan rushes into the room." What happened?" Ryan asks like a bird asking his mom how to fly.

"Sorry, it was just my dream," I say.

"What happened in your dream?"

"U mm.I was in the hospital again and you yelled at me then left me."

"Oh, Cynthia I would never just leave you." I stop crying now, I am more puzzled than I am upset. I stay quiet for a while.

"Why not?" I say. He wouldn't answer. He just stared at me and stared at me. I stared at him still confused. We sat there staring at each other for ten minutes. Eventually, he looked away and left the room.

I started to look around the room I was in. It must have been his mom's room. There's a dresser on the left side of the room still filled with dresses and shoes. There is a suitcase in the corner of the room. I open it and much to my relief it has all my clothes and things I need. Including the best thing my phone. I find a simple shirt and pants and pull them on. The hall is long and narrow like a shot house, Ryan is at the end of it staring at me again. I walk toward him and when I get close enough I begin to speak.

"Ryan, I have to tell you something," I gasp.

"What?" Ryan asks. I lip my lips before I begin, what is Ryan going to think or do? I have to tell him!

"The number that called you that said your dad was dead. Well, I looked it up when I went home that day. One website came up and it said to go to North Carolina by December 25th, Christmas! Do you know what this means Ryan? Your Dad could still be alive but we need to go get him." My words came out fast but they came out with meaning.

Ryan gasps "We have to go NOW!" After he has finished speaking he runs to his room and starts packing. I follow him into his room.

"Ryan, think for a minute! We have school, and what would I tell my parents!" I almost scream.

Ryan sighs "Cynthia, what if you thought you lost both of your parents..." He was trying to choose his words wisely. "Then you find out that one of them still just mi...might be alive if you just risked your grades and went out to find your parent," Ryan says harshly.

"Yes, then I would go. But Ryan they are not my parents they're yours."

"Then do it for me, Cynthia, I need you, I would never leave you," Ryan says with emotion. That line again... I WOULD NEVER LEAVE YOU leaps out in my head. What does it mean!

"I'll think about it!" I say dismissing Ryan.

I survey the situation with questions in my mind. When I first found the website, What was I am thinking? I NEED TO TELL RYAN. THAT IS IT. This was going to be harder than I thought to made the decision. Okay, It's Ryan's dad not mine it's a lot to risk to help a friend. A FRIEND. What is Ryan? A friend, an enemy, or maybe my lover. I don't know anymore. That line that Ryan keeps saying, I finally know what it means. It means I can't just leave Ryan I have to go with him. Anyway, he is going with or without me. I need to take care of him. Like a friend, parent or something else, I don't know. Somehow. I need to go with him and I will.

"Okay, fine," I say, knowing what I just said had impacted both of our life's. "We will leave tomorrow, start packing and I will get my stuff together." I was already packed thanks to MY family. I sound like someone bossing him around. Oh, wait, I am. By the time I tell Ryan it is almost too late, It's Dec. 15th

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