Chapter 4: What to do

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  • Dedicated to Vicki Unterreiner

Chapter 4: What to Do

When I get home I flip open my computer. Wanting to do research about Ryan's case. His phone call about his dad being dead. What to type in? I have no idea. I can't type in phone calls with people dying because a million things will come up. I need to ask Ryan what the number of the phone call is without getting him upset. I text Ryan on my phone, "Ryan could you tell me what the phone number was..." it's a challenge to say this nicely, "that gave you the phone call that you were upset about?" That was to only nice way to put it.

"It was (857)-586-8888" Ryan texted back. I search the number online, only one website came up. I opened the website and it said: "The way you will find out all your questions is if you come to North Carolina before December 25th check out this website when you get there and I will tell you were to meet me!" Christmas. It is July 14, droplets are coming down really fast now, in New York. How could I just pick up and leave? I have school and work I need to go to and I cannot skip any of them. Is this really worth it? I just meet Ryan I still don't even know if this web page is real. Ryan is too upset to tell him now. It might take a while but I decided that I need to find this out despite all my obstacles. I need some of my questions answered for some cost like my parents being mad at me and me missing school. I got to go, but I need Ryan to go with me. I need Ryan be glad and not crying all the time in order to go with him, I will waste a little time but not too much!Chapter 5: Wasting too Much Time

It has been a week since Ryan's Dad passed away. I have wasted too much time. A whole week and I still haven't told Ryan what I found out about the number that called him. I woke up that morning and I knew something wasn't right. Not with the sky but with me. The first person I called was Ryan he answered on the second ring."Ryan!" I said. I sounded like a frog more than myself.

"Cynthia!" Ryan said in a panicked voice. I tried to talk but my voice was stuck inside me. I heard the sound of someone walking up the stairs.

"Oh, my!" Ryan gasped. I pointed to the room across from mine. "Right," Ryan said firmly then walked to my parent's room. My name was the only thing he had to say till my parents were rushing to my room. It was becoming harder to breathe every second.

"Call 911," My Mom said to my Dad. Ryan was closer to me than he has ever been but he just stared at me in shock. I wanted to say calm down but I couldn't. It was becoming harder to think. After what it felt like a decade, someone came in with a movable bed. It had white bars with a yellow sheet on it. The nurse and a couple other nurses pulled me up onto the movable bed.

I was wheeled out of my gigantic, green house and into a white truck. The nurse that brought the stretcher into my house hooked me onto a face mask with a clear white pipe connected to it. Ryan climbed in the back of the truck with me. Why wasn't it my Mom or my Dad? I wondered. This was not the time to argue, anyway I couldn't. I didn't feel it when we were moving. I just tried to focus on anything I could. I focused on Ryan because he was standing right over me. His amber eyes and yellow straight hair. He was staring at me and I was mesmerized by his eyes. It was a peaceful moment that I wish could last forever. It couldn't. The back door of the truck opened. The nurse took my movable bed and wheeled it into the hospital. Ryan followed me in, touching my arm. The room was white, plain, light white. If I was not trying to catch my breath I would have thought why white again? I got another mask put on my face. I could tell this one was more permanent. The clear tube was hooked up to a much bigger machine than before. I heard a little whisper in my ear, "You're going to be all right." I still didn't see my parents in the room and I wondered where they were. I also had two more things to marvel about one, was Ryan trying to reassure me or himself and two, what is happening to me? The last thing I felt was a little pinch until my head felt like billion pounds and I floated off.

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