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"Bro you look like you're gonna pull tonight!" Ricardo shouted as I walked down the stairs. "I'm literally wearing black jeans and a white shirt." I laughed and he flattened the collar on my shirt, "But you look good!" He spoke as he tapped my shoulders, "The cars outside." He spoke and I nodded my head. Lauren hadn't come back since the beach incident so I'm guessing she's staying at Dinah's.

"Y/N?" I heard Ricardo speak breaking me out of my thoughts, "What?"

"You coming?" I nodded my head and grabbed my house keys before shoving them into my pocket and following him to the car. "How many girls do you reckon will be there?" Ricardo asked and I shrugged my shoulders, "Are you seriously still bummed out about Lauren?" He asked and I nodded my head, "It's a weird situation. It was like we both tried to start a fight out of nothing."

"Yeah it did sound like it, but it's happened. There's nothing you can do about it." I let out a sigh before the driver stopped and let us know we had arrived. We stepped out of the car and looked at the beach house that had people pouring out of it, "Let's get wasted!" Ricardo shouted before we high fived and made our way into the house.

We made our way past the crowd of people and into the kitchen to grab ourselves a drink, "Beer?" Ricardo asked and I nodded my head as I received a red cup from him, "I always thought I'd get rid of these God awful red cups." I spoke as I took a sip of the beverage, "You'll never get rid of them!" I heard Hayley shout from behind me.

"I can try!" I shouted back before I gave her a quick hug, "You're estranged girlfriend and her friend are here by the way." She spoke which made me give her a questionable look, "I invited them, I saw your little argument with the black haired one and you need to sort your shit out!" She shouted which made me laugh, "She's not my girlfriend and I think I should give her some space." My comment earned me a slap around the back of the head, "Ow!"

"You are not going to give her space. I will and I'm serious, I will lock you two in a room and I will not let you out until you've sorted shit out!" She shouted which made me hold my hands up in defence, "Okay chill out!"

"Great now lets go play spin the bottle!" She shouted as she dragged me out of the kitchen, "Hayley don't you think we're a bit old for this game?" I asked as she rolled her eyes at me, "Shut the fuck up!" She shouted at me and I kept quiet.

I was sat down on a sofa next to Ricardo when I looked up from the table to see Lauren and Dinah stood opposite. My eyes landed on Lauren's and I gave her a small smile, she looked away almost immediately and I took the time to analyse her body. She was wearing a tight black dress which accustomed her curves. "Y/N!" Hayley shouted causing me to divert my eyes back to her.

She spun the bottle again and I felt my heart pick up, "Lauren!" She shouted as she stopped the bottle with her hand and I glared at Hayley, "You guys can go in my room!" She said sternly before grabbing both of us and leading us upstairs into her room, "You will not come out until you've sorted this out!" Hayley shouted from the other side of the door, "God dammit Hayley!" I shouted as I tried to open the door but the knob wouldn't twist.

I sighed and turned around to see Lauren already sat on the bed. I slowly leaned against the door and slid down until I was sat on the floor with my arms resting on my knees, "I'm sorry." We both said at the same time, "No stop, you have nothing to be sorry for." Lauren spoke quickly, "That argument we had was all me. I was scared." She breathed out.

"Why were you scared?" I asked her and she sighed, "I'm scared about what happens when I go back home or when we go on tour, I'm scared about what's going to happen to us." She motioned her hand between the two of us and I stood up and sat down on the bed next to her and placed my hand on hers, "I'm scared too, but at least we'll be in it together." I smiled and she placed her head on my shoulder, "Do you think we can make it work?" She asked.

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