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The girls were about to go onto perform on The Tonight Show and I was just making my way back to their dressing room, "Where the hell have you been?" Dinah shouted as I approached their door, "Dinah don't give me any shit. I'm not up for it." I spoke and she stepped in front of me, blocking the door, "Lauren's been worried sick about you and you want me to not give you any shit? We have one of the most important performances tonight and you just decide to walk out when your girlfriend needs you the most?"

"You don't think I need her? You don't think I need her help? Or her guidance?" I shouted and Dinah took a step back, "I'm sorry. I don't mean to shout." I spoke quietly as I ran a hand through my hair, "What's really going on?" She asked carefully as I let out a deep breath.

"I'm scared." Dinah furrowed her eyebrows, "About going back to work."


"Dinah can you give us a minute?" Lauren asked as she stepped out of their dressing room. Dinah nodded her head before disappearing behind the door, "Were you going to tell her?" Lauren asked quietly and I shrugged my shoulders. Lauren didn't reply, instead she walked forward and wrapped her arms around my neck bringing me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around her waist, "I'm sorry." She whispered and I shook my head as we pulled away from the hug, "You shouldn't be sorry. I should be, I shouldn't have acted that way when you have one of your biggest performances."

"It's alright, honestly. Now why are you afraid of going to work?" She asked seriously and I placed my hands on her hips, "Can we focus on your performance?" I asked as I pulled her closer to me, "Babe please, it will be on my mind until we talk about it." I nodded my head before kissing her on the forehead, "I've been stabbed twice in four years, I don't know. I guess if it's happened twice before it can happen again, you know?" Lauren nodded her head as she placed her hands on my stomach, "That's understandable, but they're going to be tighter on security. How long do you have left of the movie?"

"About two months."

"Two months and you can spend everyday with me." She smiled as she lent up and gave me a quick kiss "You're alright with me following you for a while?"

"Of course. I'd much rather have you by my side." She smiled and I kissed her lips quickly, "Good."

"When you go home do you fancy doing me a favour?" She asked and I nodded my head, "Would you be able to look after Leo?"

"Yeah of course I can."

"Thank you. We have a few shows so I won't be able to look after him." Lauren was called to go back into the dressing room, "Hayley should be back so she can look after him during the day then I'll have bonding sessions with him in the evening." Lauren smiled widely as we both walked into the dressing room, "Thank you baby."


"Baby I've missed you!" Ricardo cooed as he ran into the animating room, "Ricardo! How was Miami?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders, "Eh it was alright. Hayley fucked off with some friends so I just spent my time surfing and chilling really."

"Ah fair enough." I nodded my head as I continued with an animation, "So you've been a fucking dickhead." Ricardo spat and I rolled my eyes, "Come on then, give it to me."

"First of all why didn't you tell me about the court case? Second fuck you for not telling me you were leaving. Third you and Lauren are really cute, love you guys together." He laughed at the end as he sat down in the chair, "I didn't want anyone to try and tell me to not testify. Plus I wanted to do it by myself, I'm sick of people feeling sorry for me. Second you were too busy flirting your ass off and third thank you."

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