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*Hey everyone!! So ever since the last Disney week on DWTS I have been wanting to write a small OneShot based off of Val and Sharna's cuteness together. I mean Sharna definitely didn't need to caress Val's face in the middle of the dance, but she did and it made me fall in love with them again. I swear.

So here is my version of a Disney week at DWTS with the Stars but more into the future, like two years from now. I hope you all enjoy!*

Sharna walked into the hair and makeup trailer sighing as she sat down in one of the seats.

"What's wrong babe?" Lindsay said noticing how stressed on of her close friends seemed to be from the seat next to her.

Sharna lifted her head giving her friend a small smile as one of the professionals started to curl her hair into big curls.

"I'm just worried about tonight." Sharna said looking down at her hands, "Babe why are you nervous? I seen your dance in rehearsals it was amazing!" Lindsay said looking over at Sharna who was still paying attention to her hands.

Sharna now looked over at Lindsay smiling "Thank you, babe. I'm not worried about the dance it's about bringing the baby on the show tonight. I guess my motherly instincts are overboard today." Sharna said turning away from Lindsay so the hair dresser could finish Sharna's curls.

Lindsay smiled reaching over grabbing her friends right hand "Babe, everything will be okay. I mean you have all of us, and Val. I'm sure if you don't feel like you want to show Sky to the world val won't either."

Sharna nodded squeezing Lindsay's left hand "Your right, I just I'm nervous. I mean the world has only ever seen one photo of her and she almost four months old. I just feel the need to protect her with everything in me and I know Val feels that way to."

"Well whatever you decide we are all here for you. We love you." Lindsay said standing up from her seat walking closer to Sharna hugging her tightly "It'll be okay."

Sharna laughed "I know. Thank you for the Pep talk Linz, you always give the greatest ones." Lindsay laughed before leaving the trailer.

Thirty minutes later Sharna was all done with her hair and make up, so she quickly thanked everyone before leaving for her trailer where she was hoping she would fine her three month old baby girl and her husband.

She opened her trailer door, walking in only to be run into by her littlest buddy Shai.

"Auntie Sha-Na!" He said holding his arms up for her to pick him up.

"Hey bubbie" Sharna said while picking him up and cuddling him close while she looked around the room only noticing Maks.

Maks smiled at them sitting on the couch "Hey Shar."

"Hey where is everyone. Where is Sky?" She asked as she started to worry as to where her husband and daughter were, plus the show was starting in less than thirty minutes.

"Well she just finished drinking the bottle you had made her earlier. So knowingVal and Peta, they are getting her dressed and more than likely taking a ton of photos." Maks said laughing, Sharna smiled nodding before Shai spoke.

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