A/N Before You Read

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Hey! Here are a few things you need to know before you start this story.

The setting is dystopian Chicago (and USA), although some things are different. Tris is older now (it is after her initiation, and there was no war at the end of Divergent so she had gotten to live peacefully in Dauntless), but I won't go into detail about her life before because that will be revealed throughout the story.

So basically factor out everything involving the war in the first book because it didn't happen, but everything else did. Therefore people like Will and Tris's parents are alive.

The Bureau of Genetic Welfare does not exist, but genetic purity/damage matters in a different way. There is a different government with different goals.

You will notice that some references are from the books and some are from the movies. For example, there are some Fourtris scenes that weren't mentioned in the book but are shown in the movie. Or how Amity is inside the fence in this story, even though there are farms outside in the books and first movie.

This story will be more on the dark side, like my other fanfic Bereavement, but in a different way. Tris will face many challenges that will scar her, and she will be discouraged by them. Tobias will have issues he has to deal with too.

Also, it will be in both point-of-views again.

Last thing: this story is inspired by the song "The Good Soldier" by Nine Inch Nails, which I have pinned above. You may recall that I mentioned Nine Inch Nails in Protection. Well, Trent Reznor is a god, so check out his music. Trust me on this one. ;)

Hope you enjoy the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own the Divergent series or any of the characters.

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