Chapter Eleven-Blood

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Ghost Lightning’s P.O.V

I opened my eyes and found I was lying on a small, hard cot in a white cell. Trembling, I sat up. This must be what prison looks like, I thought groggily. The only other things in the room beside my bed were a sink and a toilet. The walls were bleached white, and a blinding white light shone down on me. I didn’t even know how I had fallen asleep in this light.

Then I remembered everything. I had been captured, along with Grace, and was now in some BLI prison or something. Panic rising in my throat, I stood up and went to the door of my cell. There was a small window in it, and I could see the cell across from me through it.

There was a loud beeping sound and I backed away as the door opened. My heart skipped a beat and I broke into a cold sweat as Korse entered the room. I noticed a tranquilizer and a raygun tucked into his belt. He glared at me, and I felt real fear sweep through me.

“W-what do you want?” I choked, my mouth dry as cotton. He smirked at my obvious fear and I inwardly kicked myself.

“Do you know how your parents died, Terebellum?” he said in a drawling voice. Terebellum. Terry could be short for Terebellum. My full name was Terebellum, my brain slowly comprehended. I shook my head, trying to clear it. The tranquilizer made me feel sleepy and incredibly stupid.

“No…” I mumbled.

“They burned to death,” Korse said smugly, “Along with your little sister. She was eleven, I believe?”

“How…how should I know? I didn’t even…know I had a sister…” I said slowly. Korse laughed softly.

“That injection really destroyed you. You would have died if…somebody hadn’t saved you at the last minute. It was a Draculoid, I know. Did he ever tell you his identification number?” Korse asked.

“No…but he told me his name,” I said. Korse stared at me intently.

“What was his name?” he hissed.

“He saved my life. I’m not about to tell you who he is so you can kill him,” I growled, my eyes narrowing.

Korse’s hands flexed angrily at his sides. He closed his eyes for a second, then opened them and forced a smile onto his face.

“Now, I’m going to ask you again, sweetheart. This time, you’re going to tell me the truth, alright? What was his name?” he snarled. I swallowed and shook my head.

In a flash Korse grabbed me and hit me with the end of his raygun. I cried out and fell to my knees; he had hit me in the head.

“Now you see, I have a habit of hitting people over the head when I’m angry,” Korse growled. He grabbed me and pulled me to my feet.

“WHAT WAS HIS NAME?!” Korse bellowed.

I’ll tell you when hell fucking freezes over!” I yelled.

Korse threw me to the ground and started kicking me with brutal strength. I tried to scream but I couldn’t make a sound.

“Maybe that will teach you what will happen if you disrespect me. I’ll come back when you’re ready to tell me,” Korse said coldly.

I heard the door slam as he left. My body trembling, I started to cough. Blood splattered the white tile in front of me. The entire room tilted, and I blacked out.

The BLI paramedics were rushed to my room. Apparently, Korse had broken one of my ribs, and it had punctured my lung. They barely saved me.

Korse kept returning to my room over the course of the two weeks I was in captivity. The torture sessions continued, though none as savage as the first. Korse was determined to find out who saved my life, and every day it was harder and harder to keep the secret. As I lay in bed, attempting to heal, I kept wondering where the Killjoys were. Were they even coming for Grace and me at all? Had they given up hope?

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