Chapter Nineteen-Noise Flag's P.O.V / Scraped-Up Knees

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Noise Flag’s P.O.V

“TAKE THAT, MOTHERFUCKING DRAC BASTARDS!” I yelled as I shot two Dracs in the face with my blue and burgundy ray gun. They jerked as the laser passed through their skull and fell lifeless to the ground with a thud. I jumped over their bodies and looked around wildly for more.

The streets ofBatteryCitywere covered in rubble and Drac bodies. The civilians were marching calmly out of the city, guided by no one. Our hope was that they would get out of the city safely and eventually the effect of the pills would wear off after they stopped taking them. Once BLI was destroyed, they could move back intoBatteryCity, and we would do our best to take care of them.

“Hey, baby! Doing alright?” my boyfriend, Show Pony, shouted as he skated by me.

“Perfectly fine,” I said. He gave me a thumbs up and skated off to help up a fallen inhabitant ofBatteryCity.

There’s one! Shoot!” I heard someone yell. I turned around to duck just in time as a laser beam flew over my head. A large group of Dracs had spotted me and were firing. I sprinted for the nearest building, a couple of shots nicking me on the way. Unlike most bad guys with guns (coughStormTrooperscough), these Dracs were pretty good shots.

I ran along the white corridors of whatever building I had entered, occasionally firing behind me. Every now and then I would hear a scream and a thump as one of my pursuers fell to the ground. During that time I found that running in a zigzag pattern actually kind of does help avoiding being shot.

I rounded the corner and gasped at what I saw; an incredibly long flight of stairs. No elevator, I suppose? Nope. I sighed and started to jog up the stairs, Dracs yelling behind me.

“You can’t run forever!” one of them yelled.

“Watch me, bitch!” I called back. The flimsy set of stairs began to rattle as they ran up behind me. I shot blindly over my shoulder, hoping to get one of them.

A door showed up to my left and I grabbed the handle. It was locked. Growling in frustration, I stepped back and kicked the door in. I darted into the room and discovered that I had entered some sort of apartment. There was a kitchen, a brown leather couch, a flat screen T.V, and a door that must have led to the bedroom.

“She went in there!” the Dracs screamed from behind me. I looked around and spotted a sliding glass door leading to a balcony. It was my only hope. If I hid in the bedroom, they’d find me within minutes. I darted towards the door, pulled it open, and looked down.

Holy fuck.

I must have been on the sixth or seventh floor of the building. Crowds of Dracs below looked like groups of white mice, and Killjoys looked like colored marbles rolling around. I turned around, thinking maybe I could go back, when I came face to face with a group of around ten Dracs.

“Oh,” I said in a small voice. They aimed their laser guns at me, and I felt my heart start to pound.

“Umm…can’t we talk this over?” I said with a nervous smile.

“I don’t think so, sunshine,” one of them snarled. Then I realized I had an option; jump off or get shot ten times. I swallowed hard. I would rather die by suicide than by the hands of the enemy.

“Well, this was a lovely time meeting you and all, but I think I’ll be going,” I said. If I could see the Dracs’ eyes, I bet they would have widened.

“No…you wouldn’t dare…” one of them gasped. I hopped up onto the wobbly wooden railing and saluted them.

“Adios, bitches,” I said as I did a backflip off the balcony.

This isn’t too bad, I thought as I fell through the air. I mean, in about twelve seconds I’d be nothing but a mess of ripped flesh and broken bones on the pavement, but for now this was okay. The wind whipped through my hair, and I remembered Show Pony. I hadn’t said goodbye to him. But how could I have known I’d be dying soon? Oh, well…

Suddenly I rammed into something that didn’t feel like pavement at all. I heard a crunch, and I rolled off it and onto the ground.

“What the hell?!” I yelled as I sat up. My jaw dropped open as I realized I had fallen on a Drac. He had broken my fall, and the crunching I had heard was his neck breaking. I stood up and dusted myself off. My scraped up knees were my worst injury. I must have been the luckiest person in the world.

“I’m alive!” I cried in a happy daze. Then I glanced down at the Drac and my eyes lit up as I noticed something in his hand; a cattle prod. I picked it up and twirled it between my fingers. This would come in handy, I thought as I slipped it into my belt.

I turned around and ran back to the entrance of the building I had jumped from. The Dracs would be especially shocked to see me!

Wow, did I really just make that joke?

I shook my head and pushed through the door. With a yawn, I leaned against the wall and waited for the Dracs to come down the stairs. There was the sound of hurried footsteps as they ran down the stairs.

“She couldn’t have survived that.”

“Probably not. We just have to go and make sure.”

“Hey, guys. Looking for someone?” I said with a grin as they came around the corner. They froze in place and stared at me like I was a ghost. Which, I guess, they must have thought I was. I drew the cattle prod from my belt and flicked it on. It buzzed and lit up with a bright blue light.

“YAAAAAAAAAH!” I yelled as I charged. The Dracs screamed and turned to run back up the stairs. But I got there first. Without hesitation, I jabbed at each one of them and watch them fall to the ground with a shriek.

“Take that, motha-fuckas!” I laughed as they twitched comically on the ground. They were dead. I turned around and left the building. The bright light from the setting sun shone in my eyes and I blinked hard. Taking a deep breath, I ran screaming into the crowds of running Killjoys and Dracs.

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