Chapter Fifteen-Killjoys Never Die

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“Terry, for the last time, get the fuck up!” Sam yelled at me, kicking my bed. I groaned and rolled over.

“It’s seven in the morning, asshole, why the hell should I get up?” I moaned. Sam prodded my shoulder.

“We’re going out to meet that group of Killjoys, remember? Now come on!” he pleaded. I curled up with my face to the wall.


“Fine then.”

Sam picked me up and dropped me on the floor. Swearing, I scrambled to my feet and punched him in the arm.

Okay I’m fucking up!” I laughed. He smiled and quickly pecked me on the lips.

“You look beautiful,” he said sweetly. I laughed again, glancing in the mirror at my crazy hair and sleepy eyes.

“I look hideous. Now get out so I can change,” I snapped. He slowly inched towards the door, lingering at its frame.

“What, do you think you’re going to stay and watch?” I said in exasperation. He grinned and I threw my pillow at him.

“I’m not going to let you answer that question. Now, out!” I said. I slammed the door in his face.

In about five minutes I had changed from the ragged t-shirt and flannel pajama bottoms I wore to bed into my Killjoy clothes. You know, I would wear my Killjoy clothes to bed, but wearing skinny jeans all the time was definitely not something I wanted to do.

I walked down to grab breakfast and wait for the shower to be free. It was Saturday, so it was Absolute Zero’s turn to take a shower first. She took forever, so I could probably run out, kill around twenty Dracs, and be back in time to spare before it would be my turn. Noise Flag absently handed me a can of Power Pup as I walked in and I pried it open with the can opener.

“Hello, lovely,” Sam said as he walked in and sat down next to me.

“Hey, fuckface,” I teased. He sighed.

“Would it kill you to be nice to me?” he said, leaning over to pinch the tip of my nose.

“Not after you drop me on the floor to wake me up,” I smirked. He kissed my cheek.

“Well, I’m sorry. Next time I’ll get the trash can lid and a broomstick,” he said.

We had been dating for about two weeks now. I had fallen back in love with him and was happy as could be. We teased each other nonstop, but loved each other to bits despite the mean remarks we made.

“Who are these guys we’re meeting up with today?” Danger Fate asked.

“Umm I think it was Dead Blade and…er…something Sunshine, I don’t know,” Show Pony said with a shrug.

Suddenly Grace burst through the door. Her eyes were wide as though she had just seen a ghost, and she was flailing her arms.

“GUYS THE TRANS AM IS COMING DOWN THE ROAD!” she screamed. Absolute Zero’s jaw dropped.

“But—but we left that at BLI headquarters months ago!” she said.

“Shit…it could be some Dracs, driving it back, using it as a sort of disguise…come on, let’s go,” Pony said, standing up and placing his hand on his rose colored ray gun.

“Spider, are you coming?” Lace chirped. Vine Spider was sitting at the table, her head in her hand, staring glumly into space.

“I’ll just stay here…” she said in a raspy voice.

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