2: Interview.

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Interviewer: I'm here with Zoe Peters and KJ Apa from CW's new show called Riverdale. Zoe and KJ, how are you both?
KJ: Good, bit upset that I have to do this interview with Zoe but other than that-
Zoe: He's joking, I'm his favourite cast member.
KJ: That's what she thinks.

Interviewer: It seems like you two are pretty close. Are you the closest to each other on set?
Zoe: I actually started off not liking KJ because he said he liked my work on Teen Wolf but he didn't understand the concept of my role in The Vampire Diaries.
KJ: I didn't mean it like that! When I found out Zoe was cast as Midge, I went and watched The Vampire Diaries because I knew she was in it and I wanted to see what her acting was like, you know? But I couldn't get past the first season because of Elena and those two vampire brothers having that love triangle. I don't understand the concept of pitting two characters against each other for a girl or a boy.
Zoe: And when he told me this, I was under the impression he didn't understand the concept of my character. You have to be more clear, KJ.

Interviewer: Well, it seems like KJ's familiar with your previous work, are you familiar with his, Zoe?
Zoe: I feel bad saying this but no. I didn't recognise his name when I heard who was playing Archie and I meant to look him up but I just didn't bother. But he made me watch an episode of Shortland Street-
KJ: Yeah, I made her watch the episode with Ed Sheeran.

Interviewer: I've actually seen that episode too, KJ. How was it working with Ed?
KJ: He was great. More professional than this one.

Interviewer: That must've been a great experience. Anyway, so we had some fans on Twitter ask you both a bunch of questions so we're going to play a round of rapid fire. You guys ready?
Zoe: I was born ready.
KJ: I was born even more ready.

Interviewer: Okay, question one: who's the loudest on set?
Zoe: Cole Sprouse, no questions asked.
KJ: Yeah, I'm going to have to say Cole too.

Interviewer: Question two: If you could date another member of the cast, who would it be?
Zoe: Camila Mendes. We actually are dating. World exclusive: Cami and I are official, guys.
KJ: I'm going to say Zoe because she's the richest of us all. She'd be my sugar mommy with all that cash from the Captain America movies.
Zoe: Camila's my girlfriend but I'm KJ's sugar mommy. And Lili Reinhart is my side- wait, can I say bitch?- Lili's my side bitch.

Interviewer: We'll just bleep that out when we release this. Okay, question three: If you could go back in time and change one thing from your past, what would it be?
KJ: That's a hard one. My life's been pretty great so far. Maybe I'd have moved out to LA a lot earlier? I don't know, that's a toughie.
Zoe: I never would have done that stunt on the TVD set. I know a lot of my fans would be surprised I'm actually talking about this because I've been quite the recluse as of late but I regret that a lot. I probably wouldn't be doing this interview now if I hadn't done that stunt but at least I'd have a baby at home.
KJ: Zoe's actually told me this.
Interviewer: Wow, you guys certainly are close. And I'm very sorry about the baby, Zoe. I hope you've been well.
Zoe: Thank you, I appreciate it.

Interviewer: Three more questions and we're done. Which Hogwarts house would the other person be in?
Zoe: KJ is definitely a Gryffindor slash Hufflepuff. He's got that whole musical thing going on but he's relatively brave.
KJ: Relatively? Remember when I shooed away that spider for you?
Zoe: Fine KJ, you're really brave.
KJ: Thank you. But for Zoe, I'd say she's a Slytherin. She's brutally honest and one of the most ambitious people I've met. She's the resident prankster on set.
Zoe: It's true, I am.

Interviewer: And second last question, what's been your favourite project you've worked on so far?
KJ: Riverdale. There's no doubt about it.
Zoe: All of them? I've been apart of so many great shows and movies. Gossip Girl was my starter, Teen Wolf catapulted my fame, Captain America made me into a movie star and The Vampire Diaries gave me friends and family for life. And while my journey with Riverdale is just starting, it feels refreshing to be a part of the original cast of a show as I've always been the new girl or the new character. I'm just going to say all of them.

Interviewer: I agree Zoe, you've been in so many wonderful roles. I don't doubt it's hard to choose just one. This last question is actually just for you Zoe, sorry KJ.
KJ: It's fine. That's what happens when you're with Zoe Peters.
Interviewer: Zoe, because you've starred in The Winter Solider and The Vampire Diaries, does being apart of Riverdale make it feel like you're back-pedalling? With all the things you've already accomplished, it must feel weird to star in a show with a cast that only really has two household names which is yourself and Cole Sprouse. Does that in anyway affect you?
Zoe: Simply put: no. I don't think an actor should ever take a job based on how famous their co-stars are. If I did that, that'd make me conceited. If I didn't take this job purely because I'm "too famous", I'd hate myself for it. That's not the type of person I want to be. I've become friends with KJ, Cole, Lili, Camila and Madelaine and just about everyone else. And I know that this show will be a success and reach the same calibre that Teen Wolf and The Vampire Diaries did. I'm honoured to be apart of Riverdale and in no way am I back-pedalling.
KJ: That was a pretty great answer Zoe. Didn't know you had it in you.
Zoe: Thanks KJ, always the tone of surprise.

Interviewer: KJ, Zoe. Thank you so much for letting Buzzfeed interview you. I look forward to the pilot of Riverdale airing in just a few day's time. Goodbye and have a safe flight back home to LA!
KJ: Thank you and I speak for the both of us when I say it's been great having you interview us.
Zoe: What KJ said. Thank you for this and I hope you enjoy Riverdale.

[For those of you don't know the Riverdale cast, I'd do a bit of research as they'll be a huge part of this story since Zoe's on the show. There'll be more Pesley once this story is more developed because Zoe's still hurting.]

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