The Girl (2)

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Someway, baby, it's part of me, apart from me

You're laying waste to Halloween

You fucked it friend, it's on its head, it struck the street

You're in Milwaukee, off your feet.

And at once I knew I was not magnificent

Strayed above the highway aisle

Jagged vacancy, thick with ice

And I could see for miles, miles, miles

Holocene gently continues to play in the background of the blaring alarm clock. Like the silent cry of the first born while the second one is making all the noise it can, to get the attention it wants. A hand reaches for the noisy alarm and turned it off before checking what time it is. A figure emerges from the mosh pit of pillows and quilts, it pauses aptly to stretch and turn the music up. It's only six in the morning and another person was still sleeping in the room upstairs but she doesn't care all she cares about is for Bon Iver to fill the whole place before she was able to have her coffee and be human again.

She walked over the windows overlooking the pool in the middle of her condominium compound. There's a guy doing laps in the Olympic pool another jogging around but other than that the pretty grey weather seems calm and she thought she can pull it off today. She walked out to the kitchen and started the coffeemaker, the aroma of the Arabica and Robusta blend wafted in the air and she breathes in deep. She patiently waits for her coffee to finish dripping on her cup before she grabbed some leftover pizza in the fridge. She took her phone and walked straight out to the balcony and sat on the table for two facing the smoggy skyline of mid-rise condominiums and the far off image of the MRT line.

She nibbled on her pizza as she checked on her phone, just a couple of messages from work and a few missed calls from her mom. She counted the hours taking into consideration the time differences of the two time zones before hitting the dial button. There was a few rings from the other end of the line before it was cut off by an almost panicky yet soothing voice of her mom.

"Hi dear, thank God you called."

"Hey mom. Sorry I missed yours, I just woke up."

"Figured, I just wanted to check on you before I go to sleep. How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine. I feel like going to work today so I might as well."

"That's great honey. Is your sister home?"

"Yeah, she came in late last night and she's still sleeping."

"Tell her to lay low on working late okay?"

"Sure. So you should be sleeping?"

"And you should be getting ready for work then?"

"I'm already having breakfast, want to hit the road early."

"Very well. I'd leave you be. Be safe okay? And call me."

"Thanks mom, will do. Bye."

"Love you dear. Bye." Her mother said and the line went dead. It took her a minute to put her phone down. She reached for her coffee cup and carefully took a sip. The warm liquid flushed down the pizza and the caffeine immediately kicked in to her system she took a deep breathe again when she felt her heart starting to keep up with the surge of the morning.

After the peaceful breakfast at the balcony she went back inside to see her sister already watching the morning news. They've always been close before, when they were younger but you can say that things change through the years although only for her. Her sister smiled seeing her awake and empty coffee mug at hand because it only means one thing, she decided she'll be productive for today.

JaThea/RaStro One Shots (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now