EPISODE 18: Work In Teams

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"What's the most important part in that drawing ? " asked xxx

"Well ... " stuttered Jungkook on that woman's questions

"I'm asking you because you're a doctor . " explained xxx to Jungkook

"It's all important . Hahahh ... " replied Jungkook with a fake laugh

"Wouldn't you say it's the center ? " asked xxx

"Yea (pardon) ? " asked Jungkook to xxx

"Belly button . " said xxx after scanned Jungkook's body

"Ahahahh ... Kkamjjaggiya (what a surprise) .. " said Jungkook with fake laugh again

"Leonardo DiCaprio who sketched this . I mean da Vinci , said the center of a human body is the belly button . " explained xxx

"Yea (yes) , that's right . " said Jungkook , quite annoyed on xxx

"Kkeundae ... I really don't like that part . That's not right . A man can't have that . " judged xxx while pointed her fingers towards men's private 'things'

"Have what ? " asked Jungkook , widened his eyes

"Parting his hair right in the middle . I really can't stand that hairstyle . " said xxx to Jungkook and left the place while Jungkook just shook his head and heaved a big sigh

----------- Wu Su University Cafeteria -----------

"Can't you see the note here that says you shouldn't throw out any food ? " asked Yuju to Eunha while looked at Eunha's tray

"I don't usually have any leftovers , but i really don't have any appetite today . *Yuju who heard it , thought that Eunha directed it to her* It looked like you had a huge amount , but you ate it all ? The amount of food intake is not correlated to talent ... " said Eunha while scanned Yuju's tray , which make Yuju felt annoyed

"Dr. Jung ! Dr. Choi ! Chief Jin's emergency summon ! PPALI ! PPALI (HURRY') " shouted V to Yuju and Eunha while ran to put the lunch tray

"Now ? We still have 20 minutes for lunch . " asked Eunha curiously

"It's an emergency ! " shouted Jimin ran to the ER Department , Yuju and Eunha who heard that start to run


"Your name is Jungkook ? " asked xxx to Jungkook while sat on a chair to have a lunch with him

"Yea (yes) . I'm sorry , but i don't have time ... " replied Jungkook to xxx when he thought that lunch time is over and he had to rushed back to the hospital

"Jamkkan'mannyeo (hold on) . " cutted xxx to Jungkook's words , while rushed to a guy who have a date near them

[ SPLASH ~ ]

"Who the heck are you ? " asked the guy who had been splashed by water from xxx , Jungkook who saw it just widened his eyes and mouth on xxx actions

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