•4• A day of Life once again •4•

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After four mouths I have finally published something~!

Blame my FINALS and my PARENTS T^T (who didn't fix my computer by the way so I couldn't edit the story- I gave up after this long so, your stuck with long chapters in the beginning -.-)


Ozpin quietly sipped from his mug, while sitting down on top of his bed,that his teammates have said was magic. He swore it wasn't, (yet) magic at all- I mean just because it never ran out of coffee(*coughhotchocolatecough*)doesn't mean it's magic! Ozpin sighed from bliss as the chocolate flavor melted in his mouth and tasted quiet lovely. He looked to his right and saw a huge window, that was covering the whole wall. The perks of being the headmasters son, even if his father was against it- his mother is after all quiet scary, was that he got his own room unlike the rest of the school. But it's been a year since he entered the school officially, after all he might have snuck into the school a couple of times when he was younger. He chuckled at the pranks he did in secret and no one ever connected them to him. Ozpin quiet liked tor-pranking people quiet a lot, there expressions filled him with the upmost satisfaction. His bed was a kings size bed and had many shades of green to them with black added to it as well. He swear his mother just loves spoiling him, much to his fathers dismay, a bit too much to his liking but did he argue with a comfy bed- good heavens no. He loved this bed too much- you could even say he was married to it, well considered how he was always on it. He reluctantly made his body sit up and stretched his slightly tired arms and back. The bed creaked as he stood up and lightly dusted off imaginary dust from his shirt.

Knock knock

Ozpin hand slightly twitched but did nothing else and his eyes sharply turned to the door.


It was too be expected that it was her at his door at this godly hour. He signed silently yet extremely annoyed. He ignored the constant knocking at his door as he reached for his scarf. He quickly put his mug on his night stand to the left of him. And quickly went to the mirror with quick long steps, he stopped in front of the mirror and quickly adjusted his scarf.

"There we go..." ozpin quietly whispered to himself. Ozpin felt...normal with his green scarf on with his glasses. It reminded him of the old days, of the old life's he had before now. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.







His expression turned into a dead pan look quickly. The roses that landed on him and stuck there quickly tightened around him, as if they were warning anyone around him. He sighed calmly as he gently touched a rose petal near his neck that curled more possessively around his soulmark. Honestly it took him quiet awhile to understand why they did that, curl around him tightly when another being was around him and started to be touchy. Against his will something's, but that quickly changed when the person touching him got a injury. He honestly didn't care if the person that touched him, that wasn't family, got injured. He hates being physical when meeting new people, he slightly dreaded the day he'll meet his soulmate after all the moment they meet they'll- he coughed slightly. He wasn't per say new to that section of pleasure, after all. It's just-



Ah...she cracked my door...I liked that door.

Rest In Peace precious door

He huffed and quickly grabbed his cane which was leaning against his bed frame. He turned towards the door and lifted his cane up and made it lightly tap the floor, which quickly made two circles that quickly surrounded him with a warm glow.


Time stopped

Ozpin once again sighed, he was getting to old for this.


Under you...

Ozpin opened his brown eyes

"Ozpin! There you are!"

Ozpin was sitting on top of a tree, drinking his mug while reading a book. He sighed, it was such a lovely moment as well. He looked down and well would you look at that, low and behold, was a blonde girl with soft green eyes. Her hair was tied into a low ponytail making it look like her hair was down and not tied with a bow at all.

"I swear...Why did I get a team leader that naps or reads a book in the most unusual and dangerous spots?!"

Glynda said irritated while Ozpin chuckled quietly to himself. He uncrossed his legs while closing the book quietly and making it disappear from a flick of his wrist. He simple sat there in a blissful silence as Glynda muttered away and cursed his existence.

"I'm simply running away from her~"

Glynda stopped and gave a murderous look at the ground, ah poor ground. Ozpin smiled slightly with a gentle look, before he could utter a word.

"That women again? I swear the next time I see her agin I'll-"

"Now now Glynda you know it's against the rules to harm another classmate~"

His eyes stilled sparkled in amusement and satisfaction with the angry face Glynda made. He made a small noise at the back of his throat as he uncrossed his legs and jumped off the tree and unafraid of Glynda. He quickly stretched his arms and back and made a satisfying crack. His cane was quickly in his hand as he dusted off his clothes from the leaves and dust. While doing that Glyndas expression turned from murderous to sweet and gently. She silently giggles as she reached for ozpins head. Ozpin didn't flitch as the hand came in contact with his hair and gently picked something from his hair. Glynda quickly had a leaf in her hand which conformed ozpins curiosity.

"Hm...let's get going."

Glynda huffed softly and silently walked beside him as if she belong there.

"Now then Glynda how much did I miss?"

A punch to the shoulder was his answer as she lectured him again, he simply laughed.

Not noticing the sweet smell in the air.


:D I done good ^^

Who is "HER"?



(School started- God help me ;; )

(The next chapter is almost done, I was going to do two chapters but I got lazy .-. Forgive me~ but yea the next chapter will NOT take four months ;) it almost has 1000 words so ye :D)

(Oh I just publish ch.5 by accident...oops un-publishing that ._.')

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