One Hell of Night

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It was the night before you were starting school at Riverdale High. You were starting mid-semester so it would be difficult to adjust but it was nothing you couldn't handle. You remembered when your mom and dad separated, your mom took you to New York and enrolled you in a very good Art school. However, she was not capable of taking care of you without the emotional and financial support that was provided by your dad, so she left you with her brother and she went god knows where. You couldn't sleep at all. You were thinking about Jughead and Betty, also you were quite hungry but you were to lazy to get up and go downstairs to the kitchen. You finally got up the energy and went downstairs. You were startled to find one Jughead snooping through your fridge. "Find what your looking for?" You say to scare him. It works. He squealed and jumped. "Don't do that again y/n!" He said. "Ohhh I got you good! You squealed like a little girl" you say in a hushed laugh. "No wait. That was worse than a little girl" you correct yourself. "Oh shut up" he says grabbing a root beer and y/f/s(your favorite soda) out of the fridge. He handed you the drink. "You still remember" you say sitting down at the table. "It's kinda hard to forget when my best friends sister would keep asking me to buy her a soda" he says laughing. "Shut it!" You say. Your cheeks turn red. Luckily the only light was the small glowing green dot from the fridge. "As I recall, you had a crush on me" he says. You could tell he enjoyed embarrassing you, because now your face was as red a tomato. "You're enjoying this aren't you? Embarrassing me?" You ask. "No. Okay, maybe a little" he says. You could just barely see his smile. "Jughead?" You say. "Yeah?" "Why did you also send a letter to me asking for my return? Archie said he didn't even know that you had asked" you say. "Well... I knew how good you were at solving crimes. Even if the last one you solved was who ate the last slice of pizza at Archie's birthday. And because I've never dated anyone and I need to know what to do with Betty" he says. "Oh. Right. Betty" you say, shifting the tone in your voice. You could feel the lump in your throat growing. Your eyes began to water. Your voice began to crack. You were so grateful for the dark now. "U-um. I gotta go back to bed. I'll see you in the morning" you say. "Hey. Are you okay?" He asks. "Y-yeah. I'm fine. Just tired, that's all" you say. You just barely make it up to your room before you start silently sobbing. You and Archie had this connection, other than being siblings, you could tell when the other one was sad or something really upset them. Archie woke up and knew something was wrong. He got out of bed and went and knocked on your door. "Y/n. Are you okay?" "Go away Archie" you say through sobs. "I'm coming in." He says opening your door. He finds you sprawled face down on your bed crying into a pillow. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Nothing. I'm fine." You say wiping away your tears. "Clearly your not fine. Please talk to me." He says. "Okay. It's so hard. Keeping a perfect relationship with someone in a different state while still having feelings for your brothers best friend and your childhood crush." You say. "I still like Jug. And I can't do anything about that. But it needs to stop because the guy I'm with is really great and he loves me." You say. "Look y/n. Jug is with Betty right now but that won't last forever. I know that. Just go back to sleep and see how you feel in the morning" he says. He leaves your room and go back to sleep.

Jughead x Reader: Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя