Jughead's Very Terrible Birthday Part 2

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Previously on: Jughead x Reader:

All of a sudden you see Jughead leap up and punches Chuck. Chuck takes a swing at Jughead. FP jumps in and pulls chuck off of Jughead. "Okay now I'm serious this party of over. Get the f*ck out of my house!" You yell pushing everyone out. "Juggy. Are you okay?" You say falling on your knees to help Jughead up. "Yeah I'm okay. Thanks y/n"

A/n: warning: this chapter talks about self harm and being suicidal, if this is at all triggering please skip ahead and I'll give a summary at the beginning of the next chapter!

"Are you sure you're okay?" You ask. "I'm sure. Was what Chuck was saying about you true?" Jughead asks. "I don't know. I wasn't listening" you say and pull a pair of headphones out of your ears. He smiles. You and Jughead go to the front porch where everyone is standing and staring at the road. It's Mrs. Cooper standing there looking at you with the most amount of judgment You've ever seen. About 1/2 an hour later you and Jughead are sitting in a booth at pops since it's the only place he wanted to be in the moment and you weren't gonna let him be alone, you were too worried he might do something. "When people do nice things for me I short circuit. Maybe I'm not used to it. Maybe I'm scared, of being rejected for being myself." Jughead is saying. "Jug... there's something wrong with me. But I've never told anyone and I'm nervous to because I think people will view me differently if they know and I want people to believe that everything is okay, but deep down inside I know that it's not and I can't bare it so I take it out on me, I blame myself for everything when I have nothing to do with it. I'm emotionally unstable and I'm a wreck, what you see in me who knows but you see it and that somehow makes it worse because I know that I love you and you like me at least but I have a boyfriend who I love and he loves me and I don't want to ruin something just because of something that could be." You say tears rolling down your cheeks. "You-you love me?" He asks. "I always have" you say. "There's nothing wrong with you, okay? We're just different that's all." Jughead says trying to comfort you. "No, you don't get it. I've done things I shouldn't and when people do these things they usually have a reason, but I have no reason except that I need to because I'm weird." You say. "Y/n. What is it?" He asks. "You roll up the sleeves of your sweatshirt to reveal cuts all along your wrist and forearm along with at best first degree burns and at worst second degree. "Y/n..." Jughead whispers. He takes the rolled up sleeve of my hoodie and rolls it down. "No one needs to know. I won't do anything but take care of you until this stops okay?" He says. You nod and lean into Jugheads arms. He wraps them around you. "Why'd you do it tho?" He asks. "Like I said I don't have a good reason except that I just want it to be all over. I've nearly killed myself twice and I just couldn't knowing that you were still out there." You say crying some more. "It's okay y/n I'll never leave your side again." He says. You laugh. "Thank you Jughead Jones." You say looking up and smiling. He leans down and kisses you. You smile and giggle and kiss him again. All of a sudden you hear  "y/n? How could you?" It's your boyfriend, Daniel from NY. "Fuck." You whisper. "Look danny" you say getting up. "No. I don't want to hear it. I presume this is Jughead" he says. "The one and only" Jughead says. "I leave you here alone for two days and you've already got your tongue down some other guys throat?!" Danny yells. "You don't understand" you say. "You're right. I don't understand. I'm leaving. Never speak to me again" he says and walks out of pops.

A/n: what'd you think of that chapter? Pls vote and comment!!! 🖤🖤🖤

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