Jughead's Very Terrible Birthday Part 1

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You were crying alone in the bathroom at school. You couldn't believe that Betty would choose to do something like that. You thought she liked Jughead.
It was lunch time so you went and joined the rest of the group. They were talking about Jugheads party. "I know I can't stop you guys but I know Jughead better than all of you besides Archie, he won't like the party" you say. "Wow. Thanks" Veronica says sarcastically. "I don't want to put your idea but Jughead hates this kinda thing" you say "how would you know? You've been gone for the past few years. He may have changed!" Betty says defensively. "It's Jughead for gods sake! If there's one thing he hates more than surprises it's parties and he hates change!" You say. "Dude, I can literally feel the tension here" you hear Kevin whisper to Veronica. "I'm leaving. You guys can do whatever the hell you want but I don't want any part of it!" You say getting up. "Don't you want to give Jughead something for his birthday?" Veronica says. "The best gift I can give him is not stressing him out with a bunch of people and some loud ass music. Guys I can't tell you what to do but don't come to me when Jug doesn't like it" you say walking off. That evening came to quickly. While everyone was setting up for Jugheads surprise party. You were in the barn out back thinking about how it was Betty at the movies with Jughead and not you. "Y/n he's on his way if you wanna come in." Archie says. "Okay. But only to say I told you so" you say and get up from petting your dog, Vegas. You go inside. You sit on the stairs with your head against the wall. The door opens "surprise" everyone shouts. "Do I look like Jughead?" Veronica says frustratedly. "Hey. V, what's wrong?" You ask. "I'll tell you later" she says. "Guys there here!" Someone says. "Y/n can you get the lights?" Archie asks. "No. I told you. I have nothing to do with this." You say. Jughead and Betty walk in. "SURPRISE!!!" Everyone shouts. You can literally see the shock on Jugheads face. You've seen that look before, when Jugheads mom and little sister left, it's the same face. You have no words to describe that look except for shock. You were there with him when they left and he was a mess after that. You saw Betty bringing out a cake. "That was haunting Betty" you heard Jughead say. You walked past and heard Jughead say to Betty "I wish it was just us right now" that made you really angry especially since he had just kissed you that morning. "Told ya so" you whisper to your brother as you walk past everyone to go back outside. "Is everything okay with y/n?" Jughead asks. "Yeah. She just wasn't really into this whole party idea" Archie says. "That makes two of us" he says. "Wait. Are you actually mad at me for throwing you a party?" Betty says. You come back inside after about ten minutes. "Okay. I'm ghosting" Jughead says and is about to go upstairs when the door opens. "You didn't think you would throw a party without moi?" It's Cheryl and Chuck. "Where do you want the keg?" Chuck asks. "Get out of my house" you say. "No, y/n it's okay." Archie says. "No it's not. This is Jugheads birthday and I don't think this is the way he was hoping to spend his birthday" you say. "Thank you y/n" Jughead says. "I said get the hell out of my house!" You say to Cheryl and chuck. "No. Put the keg in the back." Archie says smiling. You roll your eyes and decide to go back outside. You shove into Archie. "Right now, I can't tell if you're doing this for Jughead or yourself!" You yell-whisper to Archie. Half an hour later Jughead walks in to the barn. "Mind if I join you?" He says. "No, please." You say gesturing to a seat. "I promise you I tried to talk them out of this." You say. "Thanks y/n I really-" Jughead was saying until he stopped. He was staring at the door. You look at the doorway and FP Jones is standing there. "Dad? What are you doing here?" Jughead asked. "Betty asked me" he says. "Nice to see you back in riverdale y/n. My boy needs you right now" FP says. "Well I hope that I can help fill the void left from Jellybean" you say taking a jab at him. You were just as mad at Jugheads dad as Jughead should have been. "Y/n. Not right now. And she's actually going by JB now" Jughead says. "JB?" You ask. "She thinks it cooler. As if she can get any cooler. She's ten and listens to Pink Floyd on vinyl." Jughead says. You laugh. "Anyway I just wanted to say happy birthday son" FP says and leaves. Betty walks in. "You invited him?" Jughead asks. Betty nods. "You know he has a drinking problem" Jug says. "I just thought" Betty starts. "You know what Betty. I'm sorry but I just don't think you understand Jughead" you say. "Excuse me?" Betty says. "She's rights Betts" Jughead says. "I am?" "Yeah. We're in a different level betts, like on a different DNA level. We're on borrowed time" Jughead says. Was he breaking up with her? "Borrowed time?" Betty asks furiously. "Betty how could you do this? You, Archie and y/n are my friends. Not Kevin, not even Veronica. Did you do this to- I don't know. Prove your a good girlfriend or something?" Jughead says. "I-" Betty tries. "You know what. I'm done. Parties over" Jughead says. You follow him. "You should have listened to me" you say to Betty as you walk by. You go inside. you go to the staircase and yell. "EVERYONE GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW!!!" "Oh come on y/n. It's time for a game" Cheryl says. You play the game. Chuck is saying some stuff about you but you're tuning out. All of a sudden you see Jughead leap up and punches Chuck. Chuck takes a swing at Jughead. FP jumps in and pulls chuck off of Jughead. "Okay now I'm serious this party of over. Get the f*ck out of my house!" You yell pushing everyone out. "Juggy. Are you okay?" You say falling on your knees to help Jughead up. "Yeah I'm okay. Thanks y/n"

A/N: sorry that chapter was longer than usual. I know I changed it up to match the story but that's okay. Anyway, hope you liked this chapter. If you did pls comment and vote!!! 🖤🖤🖤

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