HH 1- Defenders Of Berk

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A/N: HH stands for Hidden Hiccstrid if you didn't figure it out yourself. Next to it will be where it is from.

Okay so we all know Hiccup cares for all the dragon riders but everyone,at least Hiccstrid shippers, figures he cares more for Astrid than the others. Well here is the proof! So in the eleventh episode of season two of Defenders of Berk, also known as A Time To Skrill, Hiccup confronts the Skrill but is about to be electrocuted. Astrid notices this and rushes to his aid along with the other riders. This could have worked if Hiccup hadn't moved out of the way right as the Skrill fired. It went straight at all the riders who were right behind Hiccup. And guess who he called out to. If you guess Astrid you're right! All the riders were in danger yet he called to Astrid. And the best part is it seemed out of instinct. Everyone turned out to be okay, except for poor Snotlout who was babbling for a while but who are we to argue? It's comical! Anyways that's the first little Hiccstrid moment!
A/N: so I know this one wasn't that great but I'm starting off small or else there will be no where to go! And yeah I know the picture is bad quality work with me here! So thanks!

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