The touch of the Opera Ghost

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This story was originally for the FriYay contest. I really did my best but didn't win. But still, I hope you'll enjoy this story! The list of things to do when luck was on the protagonist's side was part of the contest which had a lot to do with luck since it was for St. Patrick's day. Please enjoy!

Things to do when luck is on my side for a change:

1. Investigate and discover who my night-time visitor was.

2. Put those arrogant singers in their place: now I will be the one who laughs this time.

3. Dare to talk to the directors about my work.

4. Improve my work in the Opéra Populaire: I'm done cleaning everything and would like to do something more interesting.

5. Dare to let anyone else but me read my story.

6. Get my story to be a success and feel loved.

I stared at it and the solid black painted wood stared back at me. I couldn't move; every vein, every muscle in my body protested against any movement. I forced my fingers to move and they obeyed my command reluctantly. Slowly, I placed my shaking fingers in front of the door and wanted to knock, but something kept me from actually doing it. My hand stopped with only one more inch to go before I touched the door handle. Come on, little girl, you can do this. You've waited far too long and failed far too many times, do it. Do it. Do it!

But I couldn't. My right hand felt heavy and became heavier with every wasted second that passed. I felt like crying, I craved for the ground underneath my feet to crack open and to gobble me up for the rest of my days. I couldn't. I was either too scared or too weak but I couldn't. So I turned around and disappeared in the dark halls of the Opera. In my left hand I held a candle, the script I had written rested in my aching right hand.

I wanted no one to encounter me, so I blew out the candles and carried on in the dark. It wasn't difficult to find my way through the utter darkness; the halls were so familiar and I must admit that I actually preferred the silent darkness to the screaming light. Here I always felt someone around me, as if the shadows formed a person who actually understood my complex feelings. In the darkness I could be myself, in the darkness I didn't feel alone.

Footsteps and laughter disturbed the peaceful silence that had calmed me and I moved to the cold walls to let the persons pass me without them discovering I was there. I remained as quiet as possible but I was sure that the persons would hear my heart pounding like a madman. I had recognised the sound of the laughter and felt disgust and jealousy mix inside of me. But fear was the dominant feeling I felt as the footsteps slowly neared.

'I know right?! Why wouldn't he like me? I mean, I know I'm ugly and sing horrible but...'

'No, Calista, not at all! You're so beautiful! Mathis would be mad if he didn't want to marry you! He'd be astonished by your magical voice and will love you with all of his heart. Two beautiful persons like you and Mathis deserve to be together.' I heard Madeline say and knew they were only two steps away from me. Please, walk further, please!

'Wait, Madeline, do you smell that?' Calista asked and stopped walking. 'I smell candle-grease. Quickly, light our candles!' She commanded Madeline. 'But, what if someone sees us? We're not allowed to be here at this hour!' She tried but obeyed anyway.

It was over, I knew that. When Madeline lit the candles and the yellow light shone upon my pale face, I knew I was in trouble. 'Oh, joy! Look who's here. What are you doing here, dearie, are you spying on us?' I looked at Calista. Her perfect face was framed by long dark hair and her full lips smiled spiteful at me. The light reflected in her big emerald eyes and made little dots of mockery in them.

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