Chapter four - the Domain of Decay

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His sword aimed again for Erik's mask and should have succeeded if I had not screamed the sword's master's name. Philippe's sword stopped in mid-air, though there still was enough force and will in him to carry out the deed. 'No Euline, this has to be done.' Philippe said. 'The tyranny of this monstrous beast must end. He will give no mercy so he deserves none.'

Erik chuckled. 'Neither do you.' He said and pushed Philippe down. Then he jumped on top of him, not using his sword but his own hands to squeeze Philippe to Death. His slender and long fingers were around Philippe's neck like a powerful noose. I saw Philippe's chest rising with more difficulties. 'Erik!' I screamed. He did not stop. He did not even hear my call, only Philippe's high chocking sounds and I knew Erik wished them to become louder and more urgent. No one dared to take on the Opera Ghost while Philippe's face turned dark and his eyes became glassy, already preparing themselves for the eminent death.


'Erik!' I shouted again. 'Erik let go!' From behind the mask, an animal-like growl came. 'Why would I?' He asked. 'Because I ask you to.' I said and was incredibly relieved to see the grip around Philippe's neck loosen and eventually to see Erik move away. Philippe's chest rose in a desperate attempt to get as much air as possible. A high and painful sound raising out of Philippe's throat accompanied by the sounds of the crowd. I ran towards him and hugged the man who tried to get away from Erik as fast as possible. I knelt down and held Philippe's head close to my heart. 'You're alive.' I said to him and noticed tears streaming out of my eyes.

I did not want to let go of Philippe, he was safe in my arms, but Raoul took his brother out of my grasp and examined him. I rose and faced Erik who hadn't disappeared yet and simply watched the scene from a distance. 'Are you mad?' I shouted and looked at both Philippe and Erik. 'You two ask me to let my love guide me, yet you only let yourself be guided by utter jealousy and hatred!'

I turned to Philippe. 'You started a useless fight, do you think that would make me love you? Do you think blood and death would make me like you more? You really are a fool if you do.'

I turned to Erik. 'And you. Oh you! Is killing really the only way to get things done? Does Death hide on every path you place people on? How can I be sure that the path you want me to walk on doesn't also have Death waiting to take me? How could I love someone who doesn't have any love in him, who is driven by only hate?'

Erik's eyes stared at me, pain reflected in them. He let his head hang a bit. Everyone waited for the Ghost to make a move when suddenly, he looked up. Now his eyes reflexed fierce determination and he took some steps towards me. Slowly, like a hunter approaches his prey. I hesitated whether I should run, but some curiosity and some strange desire made me stay.

'You still wear my rose.' He said softly as he dangerously came closer. 'I do.' I said and thought I saw Erik smile. Then suddenly he grabbed my arm tightly. 'Your heart is still mine, you belong to me!'

Smoke appeared and made me sick. I passed out almost immediately and lost sight of the world around me. My senses were played with. I could not hear nor see anything. The last thing I heard were the shocking sounds of a large crowd, and a pleading scream that screamed my name in utter sadness and despair.


I don't know whether I woke or not. Maybe it was just a dream all along, but I think I heard the sound of water. I think I saw the light of candles, many of them. I guess that I saw some light fall on a face, and I think it was Erik's. Not his mask, but an actual face. I am not sure. I remember that his eyes were calm, not troubled, not aggressive. And I remember a touch. Not fabric, but not skin either. It was cold but soft. Perhaps skin after all. It was a small touch on my cheek. Now I calmly think of it, it could as well have been lips.

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