Introduction new long request

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Hey there!

So, around three months ago, I got a request from a very sweet and kind girl. Her name is StarkWayne_Babe. She asked me to write some sort of sequel to the Pantom-film with the reader being in a love triangle with Philippe, Raoul's older brother, and our dearest Erik. The reader's name would be Euline. I loved and still love this idea, thus I wanted to write it right away. 

But, you read it right, that was three months ago. Why, that's a pretty long time! And I'm really sorry for letting you wait so long! I tried my very best to finish it as soon as possible, but I don't want to haste in writing since that would make the story less good to me. 

Plus, school was and still is killing me slowly! Honestly, some nights I slept only two or three hours because of my tests and homework and stress...

But I finished the Phantom request! And you're about to read it! ;-)

Again, my humble apologies to StarkWayne_Babe for letting you wait so long, but I really did my best! You might even have forgotten about your request, that's okay: I hope this is a pleasant surprise if you indeed forgot about it! ;-)

And your request is extra long since I'm not good at keeping great ideas short!

I wrote a total of ten thousand hundred and three words (10103) minus the Author Notes that will come. The sixteen pages I wrote will be put in chapters following this note. 

I hope you will like it, StarkWayne_Babe, since you really deserve a nice story and I did my utter best to give you one. I hope I haven't disappointed you, and I really, really hope you'll like your one shot/short book!


So come with me, follow me to the great Opera House where a dangerous but wonderful creature lives. Don't you worry, my dear, you will be with him shortly, if you can resist the charming Frenchman Philippe who also awaits you impatiently... 

Come dear, come! Step into the light and follow me: I'll lead you to your destiny. Whether it will be a good one... or not...


The story begins: The one I'd sing for...

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