Chapter Five: F(R)IGHT NIGHT

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I can't believe I'm doing this. I can't believe I'm actually doing this.

After I went home, I pretended to locked myself in my room before leaving through the window, and went straight to dad's work place, which is apparently located near the arena where I get to fight Jade's boyfriend: Max McKee. I knew the location since Randal got my number to text me the place. So, me knowing the location of his hideout is out of the question.

As I entered Randal's office, he welcomed me in with open arms. "Ah. well if it isn't my upcoming champ in PvP gaming history."

"Randal, I'm not your son." I pointed out, bitterly.

"Well, you're my daughter. So that also counts." he said as he offered me a seat and some juice. "So here's the thing. it's your first time competing the actual PvP Games--"

"I know how the game works, Randal." I butted in. Call me ungrateful, but after all I've been through after meeting my dad, I shouted at mom, making an attempt to push my friends away, things will go far if I continue. I'm starting to regret doing this.

"I know you do." he said in a calming tone. "So let's proceed to your opponent, shall we?"

He pressed a remote that switched the TV with Max's statistics and his picture. When Randal started speaking, I stopped him when I remembered Jade's conversation. "Max McKee: Independent gamer, known for his tactics of destroying bots into scraps. The deadmau5 in the making?"

"Well, I'll be damned. My daughter knows her game." he said in amazement.

"Actually, I know who his girlfriend is. She's a school mate of mine." I told him. "She's bragging on how her boyfriend is gonna whoop my ass."

Randal gave me a smirk. "Well my dear," he puts both of his hands on my shoulders. "Show them they're wrong."

And for the first time in my life, I let out a smile. A smile so gentle that it shows how grateful someone believed in me. Words can't express what I'm feeling right now. I never felt that way in my life until Randal believed me that I can beat McKee anytime. I nodded as I head to the door.

"Wait!" Randal yelled.

I wheeled at him. "What?"

"You're not going out looking like that!" he gestured all of me.

I looked at myself and noticed that I was wearing my school uniform. "Oh." I mumbled

"Go get change! We don't want anyone know your real identity." he said as he pointed me to a door on his right. "That's my son's dressing room. You'll find something there that'll suit you."

So I went to where he pointed and entered. I may not know who he is but when I entered the room, it smelled a familiar scent of pine oak. Kind of like the scent of my closet that made my signature scent which my mom made me spray perfume. But it also smelled like they haven't been used in a really long time.

I grabbed a gray hoodie and some baggy pants to go with it. I wore the black converse that was lying around and looked at myself. I tried tucking some of my hair in and wore a baseball cap. Not bad, Miller. I thought to myself as I went out.

Randal's face was in shock. I already understood what his expression was: it was as if his son was back after 5 years. "Rose..."

I made a sad smile. "I know." I told him. "You really do miss him, huh?"

He sighed and shared a sad smile. "He was the only thing that made my life complete after your mother and I divorced." he explained. "I decided to adopted instead of marrying another wife. Even if I split up with your mother, I still love her. I just want a normal life with her; with all of you, as a family..."

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