Chapter Six: Things Went Chamomile Wrong

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Author's Note: WARNING: This chapter may contain MORE drama than the last one (Chapter 4). If this was rated SPG, it might contain MORE themes, violence, probably horror but I doubt that it's that scary. But this chapter is not worthy to get an R or a report. I'm trying to make it less horrific, offensive, and disturbing as possible. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.


It was totally worth it. Seeing that guy's face after beating him up was the best day of my life. Hell, even Jade got so pissed when she witnessed that a rookie just whipped her boyfriend's pro ass! But she doesn't have to go too far by breaking up with him. Like all people would say: You roll the dice, you pay the price. And here's what happened next.

School today was... how should I say this; Depressing. But not the depressing kind that when you go to school you go "Ugh." on every encounter, it's like dark clouds just came in the hallway. Like seriously. The hallway was dark and empty, the only bright room around is the faculty. I don't know what's going on, but I know who's responsible for this gloomy-themed town house. I got in my classroom and it was the same old routine. There are some students whispering rumors. One is about some pop-star committed suicide, and the other was the Rookie's comeback (Of course, it was coming from the gamers group in this section). I sat next to Shaine and she looked so happy, it's as if her family won the lottery.

"This is the best day EVER!!!" Shaine exclaimed.

"You don't say." I replied. "I mean, the school is getting gloomy..."

"One of the members of that horrible band we don't speak of, also known as the boyfriend of the bitch WE never speak of, committed suicide and their contract was tarnished!"


"And best of all, HE WAS THE FRONTMAN!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Rewind and remix. Are you saying Max Mckee is dead?"

"Hell yea!" Shaine squealed. "I heard that he died because some cool guy owned him in a boxing match. Whoever that guy is, he's awesome! He can date me anytime!"

"No thank you." I mumbled impulsively.

"What was that?"


Then the speakers blared inside the classroom. "Ms. Rose Miller. You are being called to the supervisor's office." Everyone around me was like "Ooooooooooooh..." in unison. Some shook their heads in sympathy; others (Probably those loyal Pink Force skanks) just snickered. I just sighed and stood up like I don't give a damn. I head out when I saw a sobbing Jade entered her class with her puffy red eyes and her nose on her handkerchief as her group followed.

"I hope you're happy." Stella hissed.

"What the hell did I do now?" I asked and the respond I receive was the slam of the door. I sighed and went to the supervisor's office. There's nothing much to describe it. It was the usual office that when you enter, there's the secretary, a waiting area and the door that happens to be the supervisor's main office. The secretary was typing her usual secretary work. She has blonde hair tied in a bun, gray eyes under her white glasses almost like mine and wears the uniform of the faculty. We see each other everytime I was reported either by supervisor's request, or by Jade's drama. So clearly almost everyday. She and I have something both in common: A burning passion of hate for rich bitches like Jade. I asked her if it was about her again. Because of that, we became close. She nodded. "Girl, I haven't seen her that depressed when someone stole her studded waterbottle during Pysical Ed." She looked at me through her glasses. "Wonder what she said about you this time?"

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