Chapter Seven: Medics Won't Help, And it Sure Ain't Funny

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I stood still registering what's happening. My brother, Peter, who's suppose to be working at Europe is actually here, telling me something happened to my grandfather. Yep. That's about right. "What happened to him?

It was mom's turn to speak. "He had a stroke. Your brother, Ralph brought him to the hospital. Thank goodness it's nearby."

"Then what are you two doing here? You're suppose to be with them."

"We can't leave your grandmother." she replied as she looked through the closed door. "She was having a hard time and shut us out."

I sighed. "I'll go. I'll just change." I went in to my room and change in to my casual clothes. As I went back out.

"...It's alright, dear. There will be better opportunities."

I stopped my pace and listened to my mom and brother's conversation behind the door. I know it's wrong but I just need to know what they were talking about. It's just apart of my curiosity. "In fact. There's something you should know." This is where I leaned in close.

"I resigned."


"Mom." Peter was surprised as I was. "But why--"

"At the office. Things were getting way out of hand."

Just when I leaned in further, I lose my balance and scream as I crashed down on the kitchen floor. Mom and Peter were taken by surprise. "Rose. Are you okay?" Peter asked.

I stood up quickly, ignoring the pain in my torso as I dust myself. "Yea. I um... saw a mouse that made me jump." The two of them were raising their eyebrow. Man! What's up with the eyebrow thing? "I uh... should go check up on gramps... bye." I rushed out of the gate as I went down.

"Do you think she heard us?" Peter asked mom. I didn't stick around to learn the answer.

I just passed 3 blocks just to get to the hospital. I came in and went to the desk area. "Excuse me. Is there a Peter Zhang?" All right, before asking, did I mention I'm part Chinese?

"And what is you relation to Mr. Zhang." the receptionist asked.

"His granddaughter."

The woman checked her papers. "He's in the A&E ward at the moment. You can sit in the waiting room, and one of our nurses will call you."

"Thank you." I sat down on the bench around the hallway near a snack bar, and I realized that I hadn't had some dinner since I got here. I bought a sandwich and buy myself a hot cup of cappuccino on the vending machine. I got back and ate my munchables. Five minutes later, a nurse approached me. "Excuse me miss..." I looked up and saw Ralph in scrubs. I almost didn't recognize him because he was that he's wearing glasses. Which surprised me the most.

He looked at me and realized who he was talking to. "Rose?" He looked surprised as he was. Then turned to his stern face and attitude. "What are you doing here?"

"Gee, it's good to see you too, Raffy." I replied annoyingly. "I came to check up on grandpa."

He sighed and check some papers on his clipboard. "He's not quite good at the moment. They connected him to a lot of machines and medication. Come on. I'll take you to him."

The first few steps were kind of awkward. So I talked to him first. "I didn't know you work here."

"Only night duty. I work in the pharmacy during the day."

"Wait. You're actually working?"

"Hahahaa. Real mature."

My mouth formed a wide grin. "No! I mean, it's great. You're finally doing something productive for a change."

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