Chapter 50

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My daughter was rushed to the OR for her surgery. While we were talking to her doctor, she flat lined again, and if we wanted her to survive, she needed it. Now.

Elliot sat in the waiting room, while I paced the length of the waiting room. He kept his eyes on me, watching my movements, but I didn't really pay attention to him. All I had on my mind was Aubrie. My happy, hyper, sweet little girl. 

As I paced, I could see her dancing around, and singing. Her bright smile always lighting up our house, and making Noah and Alison laugh. Our first born couldn't die. If she did, I would too.

"Liv, you're making me dizzy." Elliot sighed, and I turned and stared at him.

"I'm sorry." I breathed, and he frowned.

"Love, don't apologize, just sit down." He replied, and I sighed and slowly sat down next to him.

"What are we going to do?" I asked, and he frowned.

"I have no idea, Liv. Maybe we should go home. See the twins." he sighed, and I shook my head.

"No. We can't leave her. We would hate ourselves if she died, and we weren't here with her."

"She isn't going to die, Liv. I'm not allowing it." he spoke, tearfully.

"We can't stop fate." I mumbled, before standing and heading back to pacing.


"Coffee?" Fin asked as he walked into the waiting room. Elliot was sleeping, but I was still wide awake.

"Thanks." I mumbled, before taking the cup and taking a long drink from it. Fin sat down next to me, and frowned.

"How are they?" He questioned slowly. His voice was unsure.

"Aubrie is still in surgery. Addison lost her baby and has some bruises and a broken hand, and Bailey just has some cuts and bruises."

"Liv, she's gonna make it. That little trouble maker is a fighter." He spoke, forcing a smile, and I shook my head.

"Aubrie is really hurt, Fin. She's still in a coma, and there is no signs of her waking up." I replied, and he frowned deeply.

"She loves to annoy all of us, and do you really think she is going to miss out on another chance to do that?" He spoke, and I chuckled softly.

"God, I can't live without her." I whimpered, and he frowned.

"You won't have to, Liv. Come on. Lets go for a quick walk."


After Fin and I went for a walk, I went back and sat next to Elliot. Only a short while later, Aubrie's doctor came out.

"Mr. and Mrs. Stabler." He breathed, and I quickly woke up Elliot, and we both stood.

"How is she?" I asked quickly.

"She lost a lot of blood, and her brain swelling hasn't went down, but her internal bleeding is cleared up. We had to also fix a tear in her heart. If the patch holds, we shouldn't have to go back and fix it." He spoke, and we nodded.

"Can we see her?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"No. As a doctor, I'm telling you both to go home and get some sleep."

"When do you want us to come back?" I asked.

"12 hours. You get sleep, I'm guessing if you have other kids, spend lots of time with them." He spoke, and we nodded slowly.


"How is she?" Serena said as soon as we opened the door to our house. She and Ron had brought the twins here so they could sleep in their cribs.

"In a coma." I mumbled, as I slipped my shoes off, thankful to be home.

"Oh lord." Serena breathed, and I sighed as Elliot took my jacket.

"We are supposed to get some rest and food before heading back." I spoke, and Elliot laughed.

"12 hours. If we go back, her doctor threatened to get us arrested." Elliot chuckled, and I rolled my eyes and walked over and hugged Serena.

"How are the trouble makers?" I asked, as we parted.

"Good. They are fussy." She spoke, and I sighed.

"When there is tension, my children always seem to be fussy." I admitted, and she nodded.

"Well, go check on them, but lets all get some sleep." She spoke, and the snoring of my step father sounded loudly.

"Ron, get up and go to bed!" I exclaimed, waking him quickly, before running up the stairs, as Elliot followed, chuckling softly.

"Our wake up tomorrow is going to be horrible." Elliot laughed, but I quickly shushed him, as we approached the twins' room.

We went inside, and both looked at our children, both sleeping so soundly, and hidden away from the horrible things happening in the world.

"I hope that they never have to experience what has happened to us." I spoke, and Elliot gently rubbed my back.

"We are going to try and protect them from everything, Liv. Even if I have to die trying."


Aubrie woke up two months after the accident. When she first woke up, her eyes were glazed over, not focusing on anything. I quickly sat forward, and Elliot did the same.

"Brie, wake up baby." Elliot breathed, because we couldn't tell if she was really awake, or if her eyes were just open.

"Aubrie, come back to us, baby. We have so much to say to you." I breathed, before gently kissing her cheek. She groaned, and I pulled back quickly, and saw her turn her head to look at me. Her eyes were barely focused, but they searched my face. I couldn't tell, but it looked like she didn't know who I was.

"Brie, do you know who we are?" Elliot asked, but she kept her eyes glued to my face.

"I'm going to get her doctor." I spoke quickly. I stood quickly, getting ready to leave, but my little girl's voice brought me to a stop.

"Please don't leave me, Mommy." 

I turned on my heel and quickly walked back to Aubrie's bed.

"I'm never going to leave you, Brie. You are my baby." I breathed, before kissing her forehead gently, and caressing her short cut hair.

"I love you, Mommy."

"I love you too, princess."

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