Chapter 70

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We had to wait a year before adopting James. It took a full year of court dates, drama, and fighting to give James a better life until the court decided that Elliot and I were his best shot.

"Are you girls ready?" I asked, as I entered Aubrie and Bailey's room.

"Almost." My now almost 13 year old daughter replied. I smiled and walked over and took over braiding Bailey's long red hair.

"Are you two excited?" I asked, as Alison walked in with Kora.

"I think we all are!" Alison exclaimed, and I smiled.

"Good, because Noah and Daddy and I are also excited." I spoke, as I tied off Bailey's braid.

"So James isn't gonna leave us?" Kora asked, and I shook my head.

"No, sweetie. He is going to be a Stabler after today." I smiled. Kora ran to me, and I picked her up and kissed her hair.

"I'm happy." She whispered in my ear, and I kissed her cheek.

"I am too."


We waited outside of the court room where we were supposed to be in, waiting for Alex to come out. She was being a lawyer during this adoption process. There had been noise inside of the court room, but now there was nothing. I was getting worried, and so was the rest of my family.

"Should we go in?" I asked, and Elliot swallowed hard.

"I don't know. I don't want to get in trouble for entering and lose James." Elliot replied, and I sighed. I shifted a sleeping James in my arms, and he yawned, his thumb still in his mouth.

"Aubrie, can you hold him for me?" I asked my daughter, and she nodded, but Elliot looked at me with confusion.

"What are you doing?" He spoke.

"We are going in to see what is happening."

"No, we aren't." Elliot replied, and I looked at him angrily.

"Your choice." I stated.

I slowly opened the door, and when I did, I felt my body start to shake. Alex was held in the arms of a man, his gun pushed against her temple. I wanted to strangle the man right away. That is my best friend he is trying to kill.

"Welcome, Detective Olivia Benson." He spoke, and I swallowed hard. I stared at him, confusion and panic covering my face. 

How did he know my name?

"Why are you doing this?" I spoke, deciding that was the best question to ask right now.

"Oh, because your lawyer here is trying to take my son away."

"James is safe with us." I breathed, and he shoved the gun harder against Alex's temple, and I ran my hands over my pants, wishing I had my gun.

"You don't want her." I spoke.

"Oh, how do you know?" He laughed bitterly.

"I'm the one who wants to adopt him." I stated, and he smiled.

"Alex, wanna see God?" He questioned, and tears streamed down her face.

"Liv, help." She whimpered.

"If I'm dead, I can't adopt your son." I spoke, hoping that would ease the issue.

"Aren't you married?" He asked, and I swallowed hard.

"He isn't in the picture." I lied, and he watched as I tried to turn my engagement ring and wedding band enough that they would fall off.

"LIAR." He screamed, and instead of shooting her in the head, he shot her in the shoulder, not enough to kill her, but enough to cause her a fucking huge amount of pain. I heard her scream, then I felt sick to my stomach. He smiled and walked towards me, stepping over her without giving a fuck.

"I'm James Michael Stevenson. I want my son back." He spoke, as he stepped forward and put the gun to my forehead. 

"You can't have him." I breathed.

"And why is that?" He hissed, before pushing the gun harder against my forehead.

"Because you sold him to a kiddie porn ring. You are sick." I hissed, and he slapped my with his gun. I whimpered as I held onto the bench as blood oozed from my cut cheek.

"You need to watch your tongue." He laughed, and I looked at Alex, who was holding onto her shoulder, her hand covered in blood and shaking.

"Tell me what you want." I whispered, and he pulled me up by my hair and slammed me against the wall.

"I want my son." He spoke, and I wanted to kick him so bad in the balls, but I knew that if I did, he would kill me and Alex.

"I'll take you to him." I spoke, and he must have a lower IQ than dirt, because he nodded.

"Take me to him."

"Okay, come on." 


James and I walked towards the abandoned warehouse the we found the baby in. He was so dumb, thinking that we were actually going to James. Like I was being an irresponsible parent and bring my soon to be adopted son and leave him in the place we found him.

"Where is he?" James whispered, his breath warm on my ear.


"Alright, then show me." he spoke. He slammed the gun harder against the back of my head. 

"He'll be scared." I whispered.

"No he won't! I'm his father! He loves me!" He screamed.

"HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW YOU ARE HIS FATHER!" I screamed back, before kicking him hard in the balls. He screamed and dropped the gun. I was quick at grabbing it and I aimed it at him.

"Good always wins. You aren't going to move." I hissed. I reached into my pocket and continued to hold the gun towards him. I dialed Cragen's number.

"Olivia, where the hell are you?" He answered right away.

"The warehouse, Captain. James isn't going to do anything." I spoke. 

"Liv, stay there. Tie him up or something. I'll be there soon."

I smiled as I looked at him, and he frowned.

"We will come after you." He spat, and I kicked him in the side, and he groaned from the pain.

"I have back up, dipwad. As long as James is alive, he will be my son."

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The Unknown: Book 1 ~A Bensler FanFic~Where stories live. Discover now