Chapter 76

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"Casey, can we talk?" Elliot asked, as he knocked on the new ADA's office door.

"Elliot, what do we need to talk about?" She asked, as he walked in, and then I did. She looked at us with confusion.

"This must be important since Olivia hates me." Casey sighed and I ran my hands through my hair.

"Casey, our oldest got beat up at school yesterday." I breathed, and she frowned.

"Is she okay?" She questioned, and Elliot nodded.

"She has a black eye, but she still got beat up."

"So what do you want me to do?" Casey asked, and I frowned.

"SVU wants to launch an investigation into the corruption of the school." Elliot spoke, and I looked at him.

"They do?" I asked, and he nodded.

"I brought it up to Cragen, and it is going to be a case of ours. So Casey, we need your help."

"How can I help?" She asked, and Elliot smiled.

"Warrants from one of your judges. Have you been a good girl?" Elliot questioned, and Casey laughed.

"I can find one or two who will help. Tell me what you need, and you've got it. As long as I can win this case, I'm on your side."

"Your their ADA, you are on their side." I spoke, before turning and leaving.


I went to pick up the kids with Elliot, and the other three kids had bruises and were hurt. I was beyond pissed, and so was Elliot.

"What the fuck?" Elliot swore, as he looked at Noah's bloody nose.

"Daddy, they hate us!" Alison cried, and I knelt down in front of her and gently kissed her forehead.

"Shh. Don't cry." I breathed, and she hugged me. I looked at Elliot, and he nodded.

I stood and dialed.

"Captain Cragen." Cragen spoke.

"Captain, it's Liv. We went to pick up the kids today, and the older three that went to school today were beat up. We need to get this going." I spoke.

"I swear to God." He spoke angrily. Then I heard him yell at the crew that was in the squad room to get their asses over to us.

"Captain, I'm going to take the kids to my parent's house. Elliot will be here."


Anger was one of the only things I could feel. I wanted to murder whoever was hurting my children. The school must've found out about SVU opening an investigation, and since everyone knows about the fact that we are a police family, they decided to beat them up.

Everyone was letting their kids fight their battles.

"Alison won't stop crying. And when she cries, her ribs hurt." Serena frowned as she left the bedroom where the kids were. I stood up and ran my hands over my pants.

"Mom, this is such a shitty situation." I frowned, and she nodded.

"Liv, your crew will figure this out." She replied, and I nodded slowly.

"I know, but I feel useless. I'm sitting her taking care of my children who were beat up because of me. This is my fault."

"How is it your fault?" She questioned, and I bit my lip. I ran my hands through my hair and frowned.

"I should've picked a profession that wasn't going to throw my children into a war. I've always knew that our city was corrupt. I've fought them before. I've arrested Judges, DAs, even our mayor because of dirty deeds." I spoke, emotional.

"Sweets." Serena spoke, before pulling me into her arms. I cried quietly, until Kora came out.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" She asked, and I frowned.

"I'm fine, love. Come here." I spoke. I met her half way and picked her up. She looked at me with confusion, and I kissed her forehead.

"Are you okay with not going to school for a bit?" I asked, and she looked at me and shook her head.

"I like school, Mommy." She spoke, and I nodded.

"I know, but I don't want you to end up like your siblings." I replied, and she frowned before her bottom lip came out as she started to pout.

"Mommy-" She started, but then Bailey, who had came out, decided to speak.

"Kora, Mommy is just trying to protect you. You can go back to school once everything is figured out."

Kora laid her head on my shoulder and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks, Bailey." I spoke, and she nodded. But then she started to cough. I quickly passed Kora off to Serena and knelt in front of my daughter. She was coughing hard, and then when she removed her hand from in front of her mouth, it was covered in blood.

"Oh god."


I rushed Bailey to the hospital. Serena stayed with the kids, and Ron rode along. He held Bailey, and kept changing out the tissue when the one they were using was soaked with blood.

I was full with anger and fear. Those kids did this to my little girl. I was freaking out because all this blood she was losing wasn't a good sign, and most certainly was a bad sign.

"We need help!" I cried, as Ron carried Bailey into the ER. A nurse pointed to a ER bay and Ron laid Bailey on the bed.

"What's your daughter's name?" A nurse asked as she pulled me and Ron away as a doctor and a few nurses worked on her.

"Bailey Stabler. She's almost 12." I mumbled, tearfully.

"How did she get so hurt?" She questioned, and I ran my hands through my hair.

"She was beat up at school. Her two younger siblings did too." Ron spoke for me.

"Alright. I'm going to tell the doctor this. I need you to get the other two kids in here. They might have similar injuries." She replied, and I nodded.

Ron and I walked away from the bay, and I dialed Serena's number.

"Olivia, how is Bailey?" She asked, and I swallowed hard.

"She's lost a lot of blood."I whimpered.

"Oh god." She replied, and I swallowed hard.

"Mom, I need you to bring Alison, Noah, and Brie here. I know that Brie is doing okay, but they want to check up on all the kids." I spoke, my voice shaky.

"Alright, I'll be there soon. Stay strong."

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The Unknown: Book 1 ~A Bensler FanFic~Where stories live. Discover now