oh won't you choke me, love? - 1:01 AM

390 53 22

never let anyone become your muse.

it's the catalyst to a stagnation thicker and denser than the black tar around my legs and I am now drowning in it.

it's agonizingly slow, slow, slow

I almost forget my fate so that Death's arrival comes as a surprise, perhaps a pleasant one - why won't he come sooner? 

the flicker of life with me has been fading for the longest time, he told me he wanted space - a break - 

Life has never returned and I have abandonment issues.

but when I found my muse, the underused endorphins in my brain went wild, absolutely unhinged!

I spoke in limericks, I walked to the rhythm of countless symphonies, I thought in the brushstrokes of impressionist masters - painstaking yet fascinating

I was a breathing poem nurtured by my muse.

my soul felt renewed, felt like it was your creation - I practically was but, like victor frankenstein, you denied your monster

do not deny me.

how did this happen? I have abandonment issues and yet Life left me. I cannot take rejection and still, my muse rejected his creation.

now I am left with twinges of cravings dedicated to him, him, him! it's always him!

and now, instead of limericks, I speak in curses. instead of a symphony, I walk in silence - I am not art, I am void.

never let anyone become your muse - be yours and yours only. 

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