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                                                                           Return to San Miguel


                                                                                       Part 1

Its been two months since the Queen of all Immortals were killed by the children of both Sun and Moon. The land of the City of Death were now purified thanks to the fully grown Solar Tree planted right in the middle of the city. That is enough to say that the undeadening ended, right?


A young twelve years old girl quickly ran up to the mountains and stared at a small town. Her long blonde hair danced together with the wind as well as the long ends of her Crimson Scarf. Adjusting the metal headband on her head a little, she clicked her tongue and glared at the sky.

"Tsk! I thought if I defeated the Queen, all Undead will also disappear!" She complained, still holding her metal headband.

Out of nowhere, a strange floating Sunflower appeared behind her. It looked at the same direction where the young girl was looking and hum.

"Hmm... Dark clouds... Shouldn't be that Sun Miguel is protected by the Solar Tree? What on earth is going on here?" The sunflower suddenly spoke.

"I can't also tell, Master Otenko. All I can see is they took advantage while I was gone. Two months is enough for them to plunge the whole Sun Miguel in total darkness."

"We can't do much if we're here. We have to hurry to the town and see who is the one behind the dark clouds. Lets go, Solar Girl Solana! May the Sun be with you!" As the sunflower, which Solana called Otenko, said those words, he disappears in the thin air without any trace.

Taking a deep breath, Solana start to ran quickly again, trying to reach her hometown as fast as she could. On her way, she noticed a lot of spiders as big as an actual human itself, waiting for her. She was surprised by this. Last time she visit San Miguel, there is no such thing as giant spiders even on the valley near it.

'They did take it way too far while I was gone!' She complained inside her head.

Stopping on her tracks, the young girl pull out the golden plated gun with a yellow glass equipped that rest on the gun case clipped on her belt. It was the gun that only the one with the Solar Child Blood can use. The only known weapon to defeat Undead and Immortals. A memento from her father, the legendary Solar Gun, Gun Del Sol.

Solana pointed the gun on one of the spider's direction. Pulling the trigger, the solar energy that was stored on the gun's battery turned into a solar powered bullets that instantly pierce through the spider's body. Its the Gun Del Sol's infamous Solar Shot. She keep on firing Solar Shot on every spider she can see, killing them instantly. The field were now covered with green blood from the giant spiders the Solar Girl just killed and the body of the dead spiders. She stared around her and when she noticed that there are no enemies left, she rises her hand in the air aiming for the sun.

"TAIYOU!!" she shouted as loud as she could. The sun rays all focused on her as she could feel the gun on her other hand start to absorb the solar energy.

The wind died down as well as the rays stopped focusing on her. Its an enough sign that the Gun Del Sol's battery were full. Solana put her hands down and keep on running toward her hometown.

Solar Girl Sol - Sun and Moon (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now