Chapter 5

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                                                                                Chapter 5



                                                                                     Part 1

"Solana!" Black shouted on the top of his lungs.

The mysterious vampire that Solana have claimed as their father snapped out from his sanity once again. Moving closer to him at that state is bad and he did try to warn her sister about it but before she could even react, his greatest fear happened in the front of his eyes. It happened way to fast that even his eye didn't see it coming and y the time he realize, thick red liquid already squirted from the left side of her neck.

His vampire instinct are now trying to break free of his control the very moment he smelled that wonderful smell of blood. But on the very best of his ability, Black tired to push that feeling away and grip his sword tighter. He have to do something really quick if he don't want her sister to die de to blood lost. And with one swift movement, he used his Luna property shockwave to attack the vampire.

As expected, the vampire immediately noticed the attack. He removed his fangs from the neck of the poor Solar Girl and quickly jump back to dodge the incoming attack. The shock wave, instead, hit Solana as she fall to the cold floor. Because of the property of the shockwave, she didn't receive any wound or even a scratch.

"Sol...?" the vampire asked himself as he stared at the blood on his hands. The next thing Black know is the vampire trying to escape while shouting really loud.

Black only glared at the only exit in the room. He does want to chase after the said vampire however, he got a more serious problem to deal with. He walk closer to the young Solar Girl's fallen body and examine her state. A small part of her skin were ripped from the bite of their 'father' give to her and blood won't stop flowing out of it either. He was sure that that thing will definitely leave a scar once its healed... if she does survive it...


She better survive it. Just thinking how much responsibility he will catch with his hands once she died without having any descendant is making him disgusted. He rather choose to be Pile Drivered than starting that really annoying and bright machine.

"This is bad." He said to himself, watching her body glow in a faint crimson color."Its either her Lunar Child Blood isn't strong as mines or the reaction is way stronger than her Lunar Child Blood."

But Black doesn't have any time left to think about which one is the source of the problem. There will only be one solution to prevent Solana's death and that is to somehow remove the Dark Matter that's now quickly spreading on her whole body. Pulling the hood of his coat over his head, he carried his sister behind his back and flew as fast as he can back to San Miguel.

                                                                                      Part 2

"Fwaa! That feels great!" the pink haired Star Reader said as he finally exited the newly opened Fruit Store. "I literally spent every coin I have for Solar Nuts... But oh well! There's no greater feelin' than havin' yer Mana back! Now time for a little nap in the-eh?" he was cut off when he look at the eastern entrance of San Miguel.

There, he saw a figure covered with brown coat, completely fighting the force of the barrier that trying to push him away. The Star Reader let out a small smile knowing who the figure inside that coat is. He plans to walk closer to him and probably annoy him for fun. After all, he knows that he loves to do that so why not try it right now? But as the pink haired boy passed the inn, he finally noticed the reason why he keep on fighting the barrier. Behind the hooded figure is an unconscious girl with long blonde hair that keeps on blinking from her normal color to crimson.

"What the-!?" he said to himself and grab his staff that floats right behind him. "Cress! Remove yer hand! I'm letting you in!"

Black removed his hand away from the invisible barrier that separates him from the pink haired boy. Zack whispered some words that he cannot understand to his staff, and before he knew it, his body glowed in a white color. Once the light disappeared, he quickly enter the city and lay the young girl on his lap.

"Hey, what happened to blonde here?"

"She was bitten by a vampire." He said staring at her wound. "I need to know if there is another way to remove the Dark Matter on her body."

"Another? Yah already have a plan?"

"A risky one if you want to put it that way. But as much as possible I don't want to use that method." Black said as he watched Solana's body glow.

"The only way I know is the Pile Driver." Zack said, staring directly at Black. "But I don't know if yah can take the risk because o' that body of yours."

"I'll do it." He said and began searching on her sister's pocket for a certain item. "No matter how much I hate it, I'll do it."

"Heh? Vampire Prince is turnin' to a softy, eh? Last time we met, yah almost kill me."

"I'll hate even more things if she dies." He said and raise the blue card in the air. "ELEFAN!"

And with a flash of light, Solana's body was contained on the yellow living coffin. The coffin shake for a bit before finally calming down. When Black grab the chains attached on the coffin, Zack send him a rather confused look.

"Were did yah learn to use that blue card of hers?"

"I've been watching her back in Istrakan."

"Oh... not to mention, yer gonna make a good Solar Boy, Cress!"

"Can you shut up even for a while?"

                                                                                      Part 3

Black stared on the giant circular pattern that covered almost the whole plaza. When he took the first step on the Pile Driver, it let out a faint white glow starting from the center, going to the edge like a ripple. Seeing this, the Star Reader behind him let out a small gasp as he watch the light travel in the whole Pile Driver, bringing it back to life.

"Seems like the Pile Driver is reacting to yah, eh." He said while watching the Vampire Prince drag the coffin to the center of the said machine. "Feelin' anything weird?"

"Yeah. A lot." Was his only reply before hitting the four generators using his Luna powered sonic wave.

When the generators were all set, the Pile Driver began to let out its loud beeping sound signaling that its all ready... much to Black's annoyance. The sunlight that is burning his skin every time his skin accidentally slipped out of his cape is annoying enough. What's more when you start to add the loud noise of the Pile Driver and the unknown reaction he is feeling right now? Wanting this to finish as fast as possible, he walked to the circle located to the south and raise his hand in the air. In his whole life, he never expected this to happen. To raise his hand up in the air with the afternoon sun hitting him and to shout this one word that he only hear on one person's lips.

"Taiyou..." He said. Even with the lack of energy and volume, the Pile Driver still heard him and the next thing he knows is the bright warm light coming out from the generators trying to burn both the Dark Matter inside Solana's body and his own body. He pulled his cape more to his body, trying his best to cover himself from the harsh sunlight that's trying to kill him.

The good thing about the Battle Drive is that the ectoplasm didn't move out of the center like Solana is holding it. He is really thankful because if that thing did move, he don't know if he will survive this whole Pile Driver thing. The only sound that can be heard is Solana's occasional screaming and surprisingly, the Battle Drive ended with Black never leaving the circle on the southern part of the Pile Driver.

As the light faded and the generators went back down to the ground, the Vampire Prince fell on his knees, gasping for air. Zack quickly hurried to his side helping him stand up but he rejected the offer and walk closer to the coffin. Black removed the cover and then clicked his tongue.

Inside the coffin is the sleeping Solar Girl but there's something different about her. Instead of the usual creamy white color, her skin is turning bluish and noticeable fangs can be seen even though her mouth were slightly opened. She's slowly turning into a vampire.

"This world is too small to have both Sun and Moon stained with vampire blood." Black said in a low voice but its still enough for Zack to hear.

"Blonde is turnin' to a Solar Vampire. If yah have another idea, then do it now before the Dark Matter control her whole body."

"I know that." Is Black's only reply before he lift his sisters body to his arms. He pulled away the blood stained Crimson Scarf she wore and positioned his head on the left side of her neck. The smell of the dried blood made him feel excited and that excitement became the cause of his growing fangs. Upon seeing this, Zack let out a loud gasp.

"Hey! Don't tell me yer biting her?!" however, his question was never answered by a word but by an action.

His sharp teeth dig deep on her skin just above where their father bit her. Even when unconscious, Solana still let a gasp while her body tense. Zack was ready stop him. This is the second time she was bitten by a vampire and it happened in the same day too. There is a very high chance that Black might drain her. But before he can even do that, he noticed that the legs of the young Solar Girl return back to its normal color, even though it's a bit paler. The fangs that was sticking out from her mouth also began to disappear the more Black sucks her blood. When he pulls out, he stared at his sister, now sleeping on her usual form.

"W-what on earth did yah do...?" is the only thing Zack can say to the Vampire Prince.

"I didn't drain her. I just suck the Dark Matter out. True, its not all but its enough to stop her from turning to a vampire." He explained as carry the young Solar Girl on his arms. The coffin right beside him revert back to its card form, in which Zack picks up from the ground. He was about to turn to the direction of the only Inn in the whole town however, he quickly changed his mind and face Zack instead.

"Wadya want now?"

"Take her to her house or something. Treat her bite mark like a normal wound."

"Why don't yah do it? Yer carrying her at the first place."

"I got my eyes on a different price."

"Again? Seriously Cress? Yer usin' that line twice now." Zack said as he crossed his arms. Instead of giving him a reply, Black hand him Solana's unconscious body and transform to his crow form. The Star Reader stared at Black crow form, flying to the northern part of San Miguel. He sigh then took a glance at the girl on his arms. "I hope Lito won't get mad if he found out that I have yah on my arms..." he said and walk back to the Inn with the staff floating behind him.

                                                                                     Part 4

She didn't know how long she slept. She also didn't know how did she lost her consciousness. Last thing she can recall is that strange room in the Remains, met that albino, her brother, Black and that mysterious vampire. Then all of the sudden, everything went blank but for some odd reason, she felt something warm in that endless darkness. What happened after the battle is nothing more than a vague memory. Wait... now come to think of it that vampire called her by her full name, as well as her brother. Which means...

"FATHER!!" she shouted on the top of her lungs while getting up on the bed as fast as she can. Her hand were spread right in the front of her as if she was trying to grab the hand of someone who's about to leave. However after some seconds of staring at the empty place in the front of her, she put her hand down and grasp the white blanket.

Is it all a dream? She keep on asking herself but at this moment, there is no one who will answer her question. She put a hand on the left side of her neck, trying to relieve stiff neck but as her palm hit something soft (that's definitely not her skin) taped on her neck, sharp pain quickly registered on her brain. She quickly removed her hand and wipe the tear that began to form on her sapphire blue eyes. Since when did she have a wound there?

And that's when she finally decided to look around the room. The first thing she noticed is the room. It looks pretty normal, with the wooden walls divide the room to the other one and some wooden chairs, table and a drawer. On the top of the drawer rest a small flower vase with a single rose on it, and right beside the drawer, there is a full body mirror. However, despite its normal appearance, she's sure that this is not her room. Perhaps she's in the Inn? She removed the white blanket that covers her whole body and stood up from the bed. That's when she realized that the black boots she usually wears to protect he foot is gone.

The young girl walk rather slowly towards the mirror and there, the round glass reflected her current state that even she didn't know. There is gauze around her pale neck, tied carefully making sure that it won't cause problem with her breathing. The usual clothing she wore were replaced by a black sleeveless shirt and a black biker shorts. It's usually the clothes she wore under her signature 'Solar Girl' look but it still bothers her. Looking around the room, she noticed that her other clothes, as well as a newly forged sword, were placed on one of the chairs but her Crimson Scarf is nowhere to be seen.

"It's in the wash." A voice snapped her back to reality. She quickly turned around to the source of the voice and there, she saw her brother, sitting on the window frame while looking at the stars on the sky. Looking closer, she finally notice the thick bandage covering his left eye.

"Oh, it's you." She replied with a sigh of relief and walk near her brother. "What happened back there?"

"That Vampire bit you."

"I see... that explains why I'm a lot paler than usual." She said and look at her brother. "But if he does, then why I am... not like you?"

"I tried my best to prevent it." It was his only reply before silence kicks in again. "You better be careful next time because I am not activating that machine again."

"You used the Pile Driver?"

None of them started another conversation right after she asked that question. Silence seems to be successful once again for taking over the room they were in right now. Looking up, she finally noticed the absent moon and the uncountable amount of stars paint the dark night. It was a rather beautiful sight from a world occupied by Immortals and undead.

"About the Solar Tree..." Black began without removing his gaze at the stars. "...I found the source of the Dark Matter that prevent the tree from growing." This made Solana stare at him with wide eyes.


"Yeah. Its located on the northern east part of San Miguel, the Dark City. But some kind of barrier protect the city only during the day."

"Only during the day? So that means we can go there at night?" she asked again and the Vampire Prince only nod as a reply. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go there!"

"As expected, you'll be to hype up about this. I'll be waiting for you down there. And also..." he said and removed the small bag clipped on his belt. Before Solana know it, the said bag is flying on her direction. using her fast reflexes, she easily catches it and look inside. It was the Moonlight Scarf, folded carefully to fit in the really small space. Before she could ask why is he giving this really important thing to her, she noticed that he is already gone.

The only thing she could do is to smile at his former location.

                                                                                            Part 5

The pink haired young boy stared at the glass of juice in the front of him. The night cannot be this silent in this town and when that happens, it bore him down to the core. There are no other sort of entertainment on this Inn except that music box that is now, unfortunately, in repair. And now, he just sit there and watch the ice slowly melt on his drink. Not too long after that, he heard the sound of boots making contact to the wooden floor. At this time, there's no other person on this Inn except himself and the young Solar Girl upstairs. He smiled as he saw the blonde girl on her usual clothing descend from the stairs.

The first thing he notice is the light purple scarf tied on her neck, hiding the bandage Lito put earlier.

"Yah know, you and Cress should switch roles." His voice automatically stopped Solana's action of adjusting her Sol de Vice.

"That will mess everything up considering that he burn in the sun."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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