Chapter 1

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                                                                                    Chapter 1

                                                                                      San Miguel


                                                                                        Part 1

The Solar Girl keep on running.

Her heavy panting can clearly be heard as she ran on the countless stairs. Behind her there is an uncountable amount of bees chasing her. Just like the spiders she have faced on both the front gates and in Istrakan, these bees are way to far to be compared with normal bees. Their size alone is not normal anyway. Every single one of them have the size of both of her fist combined and sure that hurt 10 times more than usual. Sure with her new Sol de Vice, she can defeat all of them in just one slash but right now, she's not looking for trouble.

Seeing the couple of houses in the front of her, she smiled and increase her speed. She took her first step on her hometown and while she does so, she could feel the very familiar force on her whole body.

'I'm in.' She thought and using the heel of her boots, she quickly turned around, facing those bees that keep chasing her. She smiled at the result.

A some sort of force field prevent the bees from entering the town. She keep on watching them try to break through but they all failed. Seeing that there's no way to reach her now, all the bees flew away in different direction.

"Mm-hmm. The barrier is still in a good shape. I'm glad that didn't change." Solana commented with a smile while staring at the sky. Out of nowhere, Otenko appeared right beside her, looking at the same sky.

"Ahhh. I see. So this is what keep the San Miguel safe from Undead."

"Yeah. Its been there as long as I can remember."

"Shall we go and find that boy?"

"Ehhh? Do I really have too?" Solana said, crossing her arms. "I don't really like that guy. Specially his accent."

"Now now, Sol, at the time like this, we don't have any time to hate others. Sure his attitude is not that great but who knows? He might be useful."

"Yeah... I get it..."

                                                                                       Part 2

"YER LATE!!" These words from the pink haired mage pierced through the ears of the young Solar Girl. "I can't believe yah need that much time to reach here!"

"I'm sorry for that." She apologize in rather annoyed tone of voice. "How about you stop using that teleportation magic and walk to get here? Maybe you'll find out the feeling how hard is to run up stairs while those giant bees chase you."

"But for yah to survive all that... Yah really are the Solar Girl!"

"Hey, don't tell me you didn't believe me at the start?"

"With the thing yah did in the front gates, then yeah, I doubted yah."

"Why you little...!"

"Alright, enough with all of these." Otenko finally spoke and stop the upcoming war between the two. "You're way of speaking... Could it be that you are the next Sunflower...?"

Solar Girl Sol - Sun and Moon (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now