Chapter 3

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                                                                                        Chapter 3



                                                                                         Part 1

In the western part of San Miguel lies a old structure called the Remains right in the middle of the desert. That place is pretty well known by its yet undiscovered and unproven secrets. Lots of rumors can be heard within the building that lies in the middle of the desert like you can actually resurrect a dead person inside the Remains. But because no one haven't solve the secrets of the Remains without falling on one of its traps, it remained unknown up to these days.

It is also rare to find an actual living thing inside the Remains except for the Undead but today, there are actually two person chasing each other inside the Remains. On their case, its not right to call them 'Person'

One of them looks like a man around 25 years old. His long coat covers his whole body as well as that hat covers his face. But with him floating around instead of running is a instant sign that he is not a human. Behind him, there is a brown wolf chasing him as fast as he can. This wolf, however, runs twice faster than a normal one so its good to assume that its also not a normal one either. And besides, no wolf will wear a cape and a metal headband.

The wolf's crimson eyes shine under the metal headband before it increase its speed. When it thinks that its the right time, it jumped off the ground and glow in crimson color. As the light faded, the wolf have already transformed into a shape of a young boy with a sword ready to make a downward slash. He slammed the blade downward but unfortunately, he misses his target. He click his tongue and he glared at the man when he saw that he's about to attack another person walking around the Remains.

"Tsk! This is getting twice more annoying than I thought!" He said and quickly summoned his wings made out of Dark Matter to increase his speed even more.

His plan did work. He shielded himself and the person with a strange hair from the vampire's claws using his sword. Seeing this, the vampire quickly escaped, leaving both Black and the person alone.

"That was close." She said. "Thank you. You really saved me out ther-"

"I didn't do it on purpose." Black quickly replied. "She's coming and I dont want her to see blood and a corpse around." And he went back to chase the vampire.

The young woman just scratched her blonde afro hair with confusion painted all over his face.

"What was that?"

                                                                                         Part 2


                                                                                -July 6, 1:47 PM-

                                                    -Time before Sunset: 3 hours and 13 minutes -

Solana stopped running, trying to catch her breath.

She already made it to the Remains after hours of running. She know that she have to hurry since the vampire who stole her Gun Del Sol is right inside this remains. And she's one hundred percent sure that something bad will happen if she waited for so long since the vampire can use the Solar Gun. And that Sunflower not finishing his sentence about the person chasing the said vampire made her curiosity go wild even more.

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