Chapter 1

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Your POV

     "Shut up, Jeff. Nobody is listening." I stated bluntly at the one and only Jeff the Killer. Here he was ranting on about 'his best kill yet' for the 5th time. "You're just jealous because you are only human and can't kill." He smirked. Oh, how I would love to prove him wrong and snap his neck, but me and Slender share that little secret.

   "Alright, Jeff. That is enough. Leave (y/n) alone." Eyeless Jack said shaking his head and taking another bite from his kidney. I couldn't help but smirk at him. "Thank you EJ." I said flipping Jeff off and walking into the living room. I plopped on the couch only to see BEN and Sonic yelling at each other. "BEN! Stop cheating, you stupid prick!" "Shut up, Sonic! You're just mad because I know how to play!" They continued on like this for another minute or two before I got pissed. "WILL YOU BOTH JUST SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN?!" I usually don't snap, but I had a raging headache and was really not in the mood for this.


         They both mumbled a quiet sorry and stared at the ground like little kids getting scolded by their mother. There was a loud thud that came from upstairs. Now what? Laughing Jack came downstairs followed by Dr.Smiley, Red, Lost Silver, Dark Link, Slender, Sally, Masky, and Hoodie. Slender made the screen go static to get BEN and Sonic's attention. "Jeff. EJ. Get out here. We are going to have a family meeting." Slender boomed. We all gathered around and sat on the sofas and recliners. "What are we gonna talk about, daddy?" Sally asked, turning her head to the side and holding her bear. "We are getting one more addition to the family. (y/n) will no longer be the new comer. He is here now." Slender said as everyone looked to one another, clearly confused. Rake, who no one noticed had been here, popped up. "He is?" He asked excitedly. Everyone started talking loudly, voices full of excitement. Even Silver was speaking a bit louder than usual. "Silence, my children." Slender yelled. Everybody fell silent."Yes. He is here. Come, child. meet the rest of the family." Slender said in a softer tone. At that moment, a boy stepped out from behind his back shyly.

            Author's Note:
       Hey guys, so I know, it sucks, but it is just to get the story moving. I hope you are enjoying it so far. I promise I will make it better in the next chapter.


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