Chapter 5

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Your POV

          The boy looked at me, tears streamed down his face. He coughed up a fairly large amount of blood and mouthed 'help me.' The father laughed and continued to kick his son. "Nobody will help you! Nobody can!" He screamed while laughing hysterically. I gripped the long knife that was currently hiding in my black hoodie pocket. Now. I have to save him now. I slowly pulled out the gleaming brand new weapon and snuck up behind him. The boys eyes began to shut. I couldn't take it anymore. "Fight it! I promise you can make it!" I instantly regretted saying this because the father snapped his head in my direction and screamed at me. "You little bitch! Who are you?!" He lunged for me, but I moved away swiftly. "My name is (y/n), more commonly known as Nightmare." I smiled evilly and raised my knife. "Sweet dreams." I stabbed him in the stomach. The feeling was.... Different. Not bad different though. He screeched in pain and stumbled backwards. I sliced a gash going straight down his cheek. He fell to the floor and held his face. "You! You're a monster! Why are you doing this?!" I laughed bitterly and spat in his direction. "You abuse your son. You deserve death." And with that I brought the knife down straight into his right eye. I removed my knife with a brutal tug and the body fell limp. Ew... Is that an eye? On my knife? I quickly flicked it away and turned to the boy. "Are you alright?" I asked staring into his shocked eyes. He nodded slowly and mumbled a quiet,"Thank you." I smiled warmly and turned back to the mutilated body. I dipped my finger into some of his blood and wrote the words 'Sweet Dreams' on the wall. I guess that's my new catch phrase.... I turned to the boy, gave him a single nod, and hopped back out through the window. "Excellent job, child. Or shall I say, Nightmare?" Slender commented. I puffed out my chest and smiled triumphantly. "Let us head out before the police reach us. If we get caught, it is all over." Slender said in a low hastened voice. I was about to say something in response before the police sirens cut me off...

        "That was amazing, darling! Yeah, pretty cool, babe." Liu and Sully said as me and Slender retold the scene of what happened. "Thanks." I said with a small smile. I received much praise for the next hour before I retreated to my room. I sighed and slumped against my bathroom wall. Woah... I look like a train wreck... My eyeliner was smeared down my face and my hair looked similar to a rat's nest. My clothes were soaked with blood, not to mention the blood covering my hands, neck, and parts of my cheek, looking like some sort of crimson body suit. I made a face at myself and turned on the shower. Well... This day was eventful... I peeled off my sweaty, bloody clothes and stepped into the warm shower. I thoroughly washed my hair, body, and face. After a good hour of scrubbing, I finally turned the now cold water off and stepped into the steamy bathroom. I picked up my towel and wrapped my hair in it and then used another to dry myself off. I then threw on my fabric shorts and Liu's sweatshirt. I took my hair out of the towel and let it fall to my (h/l). My (h/c) hair draped over my exhausted face. I shuffled over to my (f/c) bed and flopped down, face first. My (f/a), Spark, sat on my bed next to me. Spark brushed his/her nose against me and let out a small whine. "Sh, Spark. I'm just tired. Let's go to bed." I turned over and huddled under the blankets. Spark cuddled into my side and like a flash of lightning, was asleep. That's why we named him/her Spark. Something to do with lightening and speed. I sighed contently and closed my eyes. Sleep clouded my thoughts and soon, I was out cold.

      Author's Note~

Hey guys. So, there is the murder scene. I will now mostly be saying Nightmare instead of (y/n) because I'm just lazy at times. Thanks again for reading. ~Maddy

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