Chapter 3

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Your POV

I sat up and yawned. Silver was already gone and probably with his brother. I got up and cleaned up the pillow fort and got ready for the day. As I was about to make my bed, a quiet knock sounded on the door. "(y/n)? Can I come in?" I nearly squealed. "Sure, Liu. Come in." I opened the door and he walked in. "I hope you weren't busy.. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go on a date with us. Sully! Th-That isn't what I meant! I-I just want to hang out..." I couldn't help but giggle. "Sure guys. Let me finish making my bed and we can go." Liu blushed and smiled, while quickly exiting my room. I sighed in bliss. I hope he really likes me too...

"Liu... Where are we going? I don't like surprises..." Currently, I was walking blindly somewhere while Liu covered my eyes. "We are almost there." We continued to walk for about another 5 minutes until he finally stopped. He uncovered my eyes to reveal a beautiful clearing, like something out of a movie. "Do you like it?" He shifted nervously in place. "Of course I do! Its beautiful, Liu! Just beautiful." I smiled and ran over to a tall willow tree and sat down. A stream bubbled happily about two feet away. In the distance I could hear frogs croaking and crickets chirping. Dragonflies raced after each other by the cat tails and butterflies fluttered about in a near by field. I was speechless. The flowers are beautiful along with every other aspect of it. I was half expecting some deer to come running in and for me to break out into a random music number. Liu sat next to me. "I-We hoped you would like it. Oh, Sully... why do you always have to jump in..." He sighed, but gave me a warm smile. "Thank you, Liu. This is the nicest thing anybody has ever done for me. You too, Sully." I giggled a bit and scooted over to watch the stream. "When did you find this place?" I asked curiously. Its not often you just come across these. "I was just wandering around one day and found it. I haven't told anyone except you... I was hoping... Well.. That maybe-We could hang out here and date. Sully! I meant to say that it could be our secret place..." He blushed about 50 shades of red. He is so cute.. I wish he would just ask me out... I smiled and nodded happily. We began to talk about everything until he grabbed my hand unexpectedly. "(y/n)... I know we just met and all... But I really like you... We really like you. Heh.. And I was hoping that you would maybe want to be my girlfriend..." He barely breathed out the last part, but I still heard it. I jumped onto his lap and hugged him tightly. "Of course! Nothing would make me happier!" I squealed with delight and he wrapped his arms around me. I nuzzled into his neck and he put his chin on my head. "Good.. I just want to make you happy..." Maybe this is what true happiness feels like... Maybe I finally found where I belong... In his arms...

~Author's Note~

Okay guys... So I hope you are liking it. I'm running off fumes here and am having a bit of writer's block. Sorry it took me so long to update. Thanks for reading. ~Maddy

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