Chapter 6

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Your POV

        ~major time skip by 4 years~

     So for the past years I've proven myself a worthy killer, spent my time in the arms of the most amazing boyfriend/boyfriends ever, and finally beat BEN at a video game. And today was a big day. The 4 year anniversary of me and Liu/Sully. I am so excited, it feels like my heart is going to jump out of my chest! I slipped on the heart shaped necklace that they had bought me for our last anniversary and the bracelet of the anniversary before that. I wore the earrings they bought me for our first year every day. There was a soft knock on the door and I knew it was time for our big date. I ran to my bedroom door to see Liu holding flowers for me. I smiled and took them and set them in a vase I had. "Thank you, they are beautiful." For some reason he just smiled back nervously. I hope everything is alright...

        We sat down at our usual spot in the meadow and had a short, small picnic. We talked like always and shared a few kisses. I gave him and Sully the new, shiny knife I had bought the other day, but didn't receive a present back. I brushed it off and tried to keep in the questions that wanted to spew out of my mouth. What is wrong with him? He is acting so different and he didn't give me a present.... Maybe he doesn't want me anymore.... My heart sank at the thought. I was probably just being ridiculous. As the sun was setting, he turned to me with a nervous smile. "(y/n), we've been together for a while now and it has truly been amazing... I've had the best times with you and we love you beyond words." That's surprising... usually Sully doesn't say sweet things like that. "You mean everything to us and well... I guess what I'm trying to ask is..." He pulled out a small velvet box and held it open in front of me so I could see the beautiful ring inside. "(y/n)... Will you marry us?" Tears poured out of my eyes and I nodded violently as he slid the ring on my finger. "Yes! Yes! A million times yes!" I screamed as I tackled them in a long passionate kiss. This was the start of something even more beautiful. Finally, Liu had some recognition in the house of creepypasta, instead of just being Jeff's brother. Now, he was the first to be engaged and live happily as a killer.

Author's Note-

Okay guys, I'm gonna end it there. I'm sorry, but I am going to stick to one shots and/or other stories. So thank you all for reading! I apologize about ending it so quickly! I've just been so busy with my relationship and finishing up this year of school. Again, thank you! ~Maddy

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