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Brian jumped up with a start, running up to the door. He peeked through the blurred window, sighing deeply. He stepped back from the door, peering across towards Joe, Murr, and I.

"Who is it?" Joe whispered, as the shouting and swearing continued to seep through the front door.

"It's Hannah...she's obviously not over the break up just yet." Brian held his hand across his face in worry. I hated seeing him like that, it scared me to death.

I looked down to my lap, my hands trembling. I was terrified, no one knows what a person is capable of, especially when they're as pissed off as Hannah seemed to be.

"Brian, if you don't open this fucking door right now, I'll rip your balls off!" Hannah yelled through the door, her fist pounding against the wood. Brian's face crumbled, as he clutched onto his crotch. I winced, as I pictured the torture that Hannah would put him through.

"Just open the door..." I sighed, knowing that the situation would only escalate. Brian reached for the door handle, twisting it open. He was pushed back, stumbling into the wall, as Hannah came flying through. She stormed up to me, making me jump up to my feet.

"Fuck you! You couldn't let me have him could you! Why'd you have to go and make him think those horrific things of you, Brian would never love a man! It's sickening!" Hannah spat, her finger jabbing into my chest. Brian ran up behind her, pulling her away from me.

"I love Brian with all my heart, and Brian loves me, and you're just jealous because your career in gold digging is over. Love is love, we can love whoever we want to. Sorry if true love offends you, Boo." I sassed, snapping my fingers and flicking my hair. I felt a sudden sting across my cheek, as Hannah slapped me feistily. I ran my hand across my cheek, wincing in pain.

Joe and Murr reached for Hannah, pulling her away from me. She kicked and screamed, as they held her back. Brian soon ran up to me, hugging me tightly. He rested his chin against my shoulder, before whispering into my ear.

"Baby, are you okay?" His voice barely audible. I silently nodded my head, as a single tear began to run down my cheek. Brian pulled away slightly, grazing his thumb across my cheek, ridding me of the tear. He leant forward, kissing me softly for a brief second.

I sat with Brian, as the police soon arrived, escorting Hannah out of my house. Once she had left, Joe and Murr said their goodbyes, and swiftly left out the front door.

The day's events had really effected me, I wasn't in the mood to kiss and cuddle, but that was all Brian was craving. He went to rest his arm across my shoulder, before I jolted away from his touch.

"Sal? What's wrong?" He asked, his voice full of sincerity and worry. I looked at him, my face showing nothing but a scowl.

"You just let her stand there and shout at me. You did nothing to save me, Brian." I sighed. Brian's expression altered from worry to confusion. He stumbled over his words, as he tried to respond.

"S-Sal, what do you mean? I didn't know that she was going to slap you, did I? How could I have stopped her?" He quizzed.

"You didn't even try!" I shouted, pulling at the ends of my hair. I began to pace around the room - too tired to argue, too stressed to sit down.

"I'm not going through this again, Sal. Come on, please don't let this ruin what we have - we've literally been together a day. Please, Baby!" He cried, tugging at my arm to sit with him.

I yanked my arm away from his clasp, storming upstairs, just wanting a break from all of this craziness. I fell back onto my bed, breathless, sweating, and completely out of it. The alcohol in my system didn't help the situation of course. 

I turned my head towards the door, noticing Brian's duffle bag. It was then that, now that I think about it, the most stupid idea popped into my head.

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