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Brian and I had been living together for a couple of months, and it was impeccable. He treated me like a prince, as did I to him. We were so happy, and I couldn't have wished for a better life. The show was growing more and more, although, the punishments were getting more brutal as time went on.

To celebrate Brian and I's one year anniversary, we had planned on a little date night. I was busy getting ready, fussing over my hair not wanting to cooperate, when Brian walked into our bedroom. I looked in the mirror, looking at him stood behind me, a smile growing on my face. In his hands, was a bouquet of roses, one for every month we'd been together. His cheeks were blushing a fire engine red, as he shyly held the flowers up to me. I turned around, admiring him lovingly.

"What's all this for, Babe?" I asked, taking the bouquet from his clasp, and placing them in the nearby vase, situated on our dresser.

"Just because..." Brian whispered, placing a kiss to my cheek, wrapping an arm around my waist. I blushed timidly, before Brian pulled me into a hug. "So, are you ready to go? The reservation is at 8, you know." Brian asked, looking me up and down. I let out a deep sigh, spinning back round to face the mirror, trying to fix my hair.

"I would be, if my hair wasn't fucking around!" I mumbled, the one hair out of place was really getting to me. I heard Brian chuckle behind me, as he wrapped his arms around me, his chest pressing against my back.

"For what it's worth, Babe, you look perfect." He smiled, placing a kiss to my neck. I was too busy concentrating on my hair, to notice his hand creep up behind my head, ruffling my hair. I turned to face Brian, my face showing my annoyance. "Please don't hit me!" Brian joked, as he pretended to cower away. I slapped his arm, my eyebrows crossing in frustration.

"That took me half an hour! Argh, now I'll have to start again!" I shouted, spinning on my heel, redoing my hair. Brian busted out into laughter behind me, as he sat down on the edge of the bed. I watched him through the mirror, as he fumbled with his outfit, making sure he looked perfect. Brian was wearing his plain black suit, along with his purple shirt - I always loved that colour on him. His hair had been swept back, with his beard neatly trimmed.

Me on the other hand, I was wearing my black suit trousers, plaid shirt, and a grey blazer over the top. I wore brown dress shoes to compliment the look. My hair was combed over to the side, finally without a hair out of place. I turned around to Brian and smiled.

"I'm ready." Brian's eyes shifted up and down, soaking up every part of me. My face grew hot, as the blood rose to my cheeks.

"You look so handsome. Damn, may have to rip that off you later." Brian teased, giving me a quick wink. He clasped my hand in his, walking us out to his Jeep.

The drive to the restaurant was quiet, but it just felt nice to be in each other's presence. I can't believe that it's already been a year since we became a couple. I still can't believe I wasted those twenty years beforehand, when I could have spent them with him as my boyfriend. In hindsight, I should have followed my heart, but there we go. It doesn't matter now, I have my love, and we're happy. That's all that matters.

We soon arrived at the restaurant, and my word, was it fancy. Brian held my hand, as we walked through to the entrance. We stepped towards the podium, a waiter ready and waiting for us.

"Good evening, Sirs. Do you have a reservation booked for this evening?" He smiled, grabbing a couple of menus for us.

"Yes, under the name Quinn, please." Brian smiled, I felt his hand gently squeeze mine. I loved it when he did that, it always made my heart flutter.

"Ah, yes. Right this way, please." The waiter gestured for us to follow him, leading us to our table. We thanked him, before taking our seats.

On the table was a small vase with a single rose on it. Brian sat himself opposite me, taking ahold of my hands in his, and smiling brightly. I must admit, his behaviour was slightly more eccentric than usual. I couldn't help but chuckle, his cheesy grin always had that effect on me.

"I wanted to wait until the end of the meal to do this, but I can't hold on any longer." Brian stated, clutching at my hands tightly. My eyebrows laced together in confusion at what I had just heard.

"What do you mean, Bri?" I questioned. With that, Brian stood from his seat, he walked round to beside me, kneeling down on one knee. My hands raced up to my face, as I gasped in shock.

"Sal, I have loved you as a friend, as a lover, and now I want to love you as a husband. You always take my breath away, what with your emerald eyes, fluffy hair, and that irresistible laugh of yours. We've had our ups and downs, but that's the rollercoaster of life, Baby. I want to spend the rest of mine with you. Sal, would you do me the honour of marrying me?" Tears formed in his eyes, as he reached into his pocket, pulling out a black velvet ring box. He lifted the lid, revealing a golden band, encrusted with small silver diamonds. It was such a beautiful ring. I burst into tears, nodding my head profoundly.

"Yes! Of course I will!" I cried. Brian stood up, wrapping his arms around me, he pulled away slightly, just to kiss me passionately. He slid the ring onto my finger, as the tables surrounding us applauded. I won't lie, a few looked disgusted, but fuck them, they clearly don't know what true love is.

Brian returned to his seat, his eyes never looking away. I studied the ring, a wide smile plastered on my face. I took one of his hands, running my thumb along his knuckles.

"It's beautiful, Brian! I'm so damn lucky to have you." I smiled, as yet another tear ran down my cheek. Brian smiled sheepishly, his cheeks blushing a crimson red.

"I'm glad you like it. Joe and Murr helped me pick it out." He chuckled, tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear.

"Those dopes managed to help you choose a ring, and it's beautiful? Woah, that doesn't add up." I teased, earning a playful kick in the shin from Brian, under the table.

"Okay, Frances helped too." He chuckled, the smile never leaving his face.

The rest of the evening was so romantic, Brian had planned everything down to the last detail. I'm the luckiest man in the world to have Brian as my boyfriend - wait, fiancé! If you had asked me a couple of years ago, whether I thought that this would ever happen, I would have laughed in your face. But, now I realise that dreams can come true, mine sure as hell did.

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